Agenda item

Quantum House, High Street, Farningham, Kent DA4 0DT

(Farningham, Horton Kirby and South Darenth)


The Hearing gave consideration to a report by the Community and Planning Services Director giving details of an application under the Licensing Act 2003 for a premises licence at Quantum House, High Street, Farningham, Kent DA4 0DT.  It was noted that objections had been received and that accordingly the application had been referred to the Sub-Committee for determination.


The Hearing heard from the applicant who gave a brief introduction to his background explaining that he owned shops in Wrotham and Wilmington.  He intended the shop to be a village convenience store.  He had visited the village around thirty eight times at different times of the day and had not seen any of the concerns raised by the objectors, and queried why their concerns had not been raised with the relevant authorities.


In response to questions from the Sub committee and an objector’s representative, he advised that he intended to close the shop at 20:00 hours, Mondays to Saturdays and therefore not sell alcohol after that time.  He also advised that there would be one member of staff in the mornings and two members of staff from 15:00 hours to closing.  The CCTV that would be used would consist  of about eight cameras in total and the footage would be kept for 31 days.  It could also be viewed remotely.  He further advised that he operated the Challenge 25 policy and that more expensive/high volume alcohols were kept behind the counter.  He did not promote bulk sales of alcohol and would speak and if necessary refuse to serve any customer he thought might be buying alcohol by proxy, or who appeared intoxicated.  Initially the shop would benefit from experienced staff already trained in his existing shops.


The Hearing heard from a representative of one of the objectors, the owners and licence holders of a local public house.  The Manager had hoped to attend but had sent his apologies.  He outlined his clients’ main concerns which included under age drinking and disruptive behaviour and the potential detrimental affect on village life.  However these concerns had been made when the application appeared to be for sales until 22:00 hours, but the applicant was now saying that the shop would close at 20:00 hours.  However, he suggested that licence hours should be further reduced to 18:00 hours. 


In response the applicant stated that in his experience far more problems were caused by a shop being open longer than it’s licensed hours, which could lead to having to close earlier which in turn defeated the objective of being a local convenience store.


At 11.15 a.m. the Hearing Members and the Council’s Legal Advisor withdrew to consider the issues raised.


At 11.48 a.m. the Hearing Members and the Council’s Legal Advisor returned to the Council Chamber.


The Chairman informed the Hearing that the Sub-Committee had had regard to the representations made by the Applicant and interested parties particularly in relation to proxy sales, persons who had been refused alcohol in local public houses and the suggestion of further reduced hours, as well as the guidance issued under s 183 of the Licensing Act 2003 and the Council’s Statement of Licensing policy.  The Sub Committee noted that the Police had made no objection to the application and that the Applicant would implement an age verification scheme.


It was therefore unanimously,


Resolved:        That a Premises Licence in respect of Quantum House, High Street, Farningham, Kent, subject to the conditions contained in the licence attached as an appendix to these minutes, be granted.

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