Declarations of interest Declarations of interest Date range: Committee: Select a committee All Annual Council Appointments Committee Audit Committee Cabinet Cleaner & Greener Advisory Committee Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Spending Board Community Plan Group Community Plan Steering Group Council Development & Conservation Advisory Committee Development Control Site Meetings (TBA) Development Management Committee Direct & Trading Advisory Committee Economic & Community Development Advisory Committee Edenbridge Forum Edenbridge Town Forum Electoral Arrangements Committee Environment Scrutiny Committee Environment Select Committee Expenditure Monitoring Group Finance & Investment Advisory Committee Finance Advisory Committee Finance Advisory Group Finance and Resources Advisory Committee Forward Plan Governance Committee Health Liaison Board Homeless Review Board Homelessness Review Board Housing & Health Advisory Committee Housing and Community Safety Advisory Committee Improvement & Innovation Advisory Committee Legal & Democratic Services Advisory Committee Leisure and Culture Scrutiny Committee Licensing Committee Licensing Hearing Local Development Framework Advisory Group Local Planning and Environment Advisory Committee Modern Local Government Group Modern Local Government Steering Group Overview and Scrutiny Board People & Places Advisory Committee Performance and Governance Performance and Governance Committee Planning Advisory Committee Policy & Performance Advisory Committee Scrutiny Committee Services Select Committee Services Select Committee Information Agenda Sevenoaks District Kent Locality Board Sevenoaks District Strategic Board Sevenoaks Forum Sevenoaks Joint Transportation Board Sevenoaks Joint Transportation Board - Information Agen Sevenoaks Town Forum Social Affairs Scrutiny Committee Social Affairs Select Committee Standards Assessment / Review Sub-Committee Standards Assessment Working Party Standards Committee Standards Committee Determination Hearings Standards Hearing Sub Committee Standards Sub Committee Strategy and Performance Advisory Committee Swanley and Hextable Forum Swanley and Hextable Town Forum Swanley Town Forum West Kent Health & Wellbeing Board Category: Any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest Non-Pecuniary Interest Pecuniary Personal Personal and Prejudicial Prejudicial Councillor: Any Abraham, Councillor Lawrence Abraham Alger, Councillor Michelle Alger Baker, Councillor Angela Baker Ball, Councillor Laurence Ball Barker, Councillor Michael Barker Barnes, Councillor Clare Barnes Barnett, Councillor James Barnett Bayley, Councillor Kim Bayley Bulford, Councillor Emily Bulford Camp, Councillor Susan Camp Clack, Councillor Graham Clack Clayton, Councillor Tony Clayton Cole, Councillor Penny Cole Cole, Councillor Perry Cole Darrington, Councillor Glynnis Darrington Darrington, Councillor Paul Darrington Dyball, Councillor Lesley Dyball Edwards-Winser, Councillor John Edwards-Winser Esler, Councillor Diana Esler Ferrari, Councillor Jasmine Ferrari Granville, Councillor Victoria Granville Grint, Councillor John Grint Gustard, Councillor Chloe Gustard Harrison, Councillor Lynda Harrison Haslam, Councillor Chris Haslam Hogarth, Councillor Roderick Hogarth Horwood, Councillor Michael Horwood Hudson, Councillor Christine Hudson Kitchener, Councillor Darren Kitchener Layland, Councillor Alan Layland Leaman, Councillor Alan Leaman Lindop, Councillor Mark Lindop Malone, Councillor Sean Malone Manamperi, Councillor Shani Manamperi Manston, Councillor Laura Manston Maskell, Councillor Kevin Maskell McArthur, Councillor Margot McArthur Morgan, Councillor Cathy Morgan Morgan, Councillor James Morgan Purves, Councillor Elizabeth Purves Reay, Councillor Simon Reay Robinson, Councillor Sandra Robinson Roy, Councillor Irene Roy Scott, Councillor Nina Scott Shea, Councillor Claire Shea Silander, Councillor Malcolm Silander Skinner, Councillor David Skinner Streatfeild, Councillor Richard Streatfeild Thornton, Councillor Julia Thornton Varley, Councillor Nicholas Varley Waterton, Councillor Rachel Waterton White, Councillor Alan White Williams, Councillor Nigel Williams Williamson, Councillor Gary Williamson Declarations There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period