Election results for Farningham, Horton Kirby & South Darenth Election results for Farningham, Horton Kirby & South Darenth District Council Election 2015 - Thursday, 7th May, 2015 Status: Published District Council Election 2015 - results by party Farningham, Horton Kirby & South Darenth - results Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome Philip McGarvey Conservative 1408 34% Elected Ingrid Chetram Conservative 1321 32% Elected Kevin Flack Labour 568 14% Not elected Hilary Harding Green Party 478 12% Not elected Amy Mcenroe Labour 375 9% Not elected Voting Summary Details Number Seats 2 Total votes 4150 Electorate 3848 Number of ballot papers issued 2672 Turnout 69% Share of the votes (%) Candidate name Vote percentage Elected Philip McGarvey 34% Elected Candidate name Vote percentage Elected Ingrid Chetram 32% Elected Candidate name Vote percentage Elected Kevin Flack 14% Not elected Candidate name Vote percentage Elected Hilary Harding 12% Not elected Candidate name Vote percentage Elected Amy Mcenroe 9% Not elected