Election results for Kemsing Election results for Kemsing District Council Election 2015 - Thursday, 7th May, 2015 Status: Published District Council Election 2015 - results by party Kemsing - results Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome Simon Reay Conservative 1155 30% Elected Lorraine Stack Conservative 1090 28% Elected Margaret Robarts Liberal Democrats 706 18% Not elected Roger Williams UK Independence Party 596 16% Not elected Richard Wassell Liberal Democrats 289 8% Not elected Voting Summary Details Number Seats 2 Total votes 3836 Electorate 3333 Number of ballot papers issued 2464 Number of ballot papers rejected 24 Turnout 74% Share of the votes (%) Candidate name Vote percentage Elected Simon Reay 30% Elected Candidate name Vote percentage Elected Lorraine Stack 28% Elected Candidate name Vote percentage Elected Margaret Robarts 18% Not elected Candidate name Vote percentage Elected Roger Williams 16% Not elected Candidate name Vote percentage Elected Richard Wassell 8% Not elected Rejected ballot papersDescriptionNumberUnmarked or void for uncertainty22Voting for more candidates than voter was entitled to2Total rejected24