Finance & Investment Advisory Committee
Purpose of committee
Terms of Reference
a) The Advisory Committee shall undertake policy initiation and development;
b) The Advisory Committee shall consider such other matters as are referred to it by the Portfolio Holder;
c) At the request of either Cabinet or the Audit Committee carry out specific research and development projects and to submit recommendations to Cabinet;
d) The Advisory Committee shall develop and approve its annual work plan ensuring that there is efficient use of the Committee’s time; and
e) The Cabinet Member be requested to provide a report to each meeting outlining their activities since the previous meeting and any decisions they intend to take in the following three months.
Within the areas of: Corporate Governance, Financial Strategy, Local Tax, Procurement, Strategic Risk, Tax & Benefits, Fraud Prevention, Operational Assets. Business Continuity, Investments, Legal, Wellbeing.
The Cabinet Advisory Committee to ensure that there is mutual respect and cooperation with all other Committees within the Council.
- Councillor Kim Bayley
- Councillor Tony Clayton
- Councillor John Grint (Chairman)
- Councillor Darren Kitchener
- Councillor Sean Malone
- Councillor Laura Manston
- Councillor Kevin Maskell (Vice-Chairman)
- Councillor Cathy Morgan
- Councillor James Morgan
- Councillor Nina Scott
- Councillor Malcolm Silander
- Councillor Nigel Williams
Contact information
Support officer: Email: