Committee details

Licensing Hearing

Purpose of committee

Terms of Reference

Licensing Act 2003:

(a)        determination of application for the grant/ renewal of a personal licence where an objection notice has been given by the Police;

(b)        consideration of Police objection notice following conviction of personal licence holder;

(c)        determination of application for the variation of a designated premises supervisor where a notice has been received from the Police;

(d)        determination of application for the transfer of a premises licence where a notice has been received from the Police;

(e)        determination of application for:

(i)         premises licence;

(ii)        club premises certificate;

(iii)       provisional statement;

(iv)              variation of premises licence / club premises certificates;

(v)                review of a licence following an application by a senior police officer;

            where relevant representations have been made;

(f)        determination of application for the review of a premises licence/club premises certificate;

(g)        determination on review of premises licence following closure order;

(h)        consideration of Police or Environmental Health objection notice given in response to a temporary event notice; and

(i)         consideration of Police notice given in response to an interim authority notice.

Gambling Act 2005:

(a)              determination of application for the grant/ variation/ transfer/ reinstatement of  premises licence where relevant representations have been received.;

(b)              determination on review of premises licence;

(c)               determination of application for provisional statement where relevant representations have been received;

(d)              consideration of notice of objection to temporary use notice;

(e)               determination of application for the grant/ renewal of family entertainment centre gaming permit, club gaming permit, club machine permit, licensed premises gaming machine permit, gaming machine permit where relevant representations have been received; and

(f)                cancellation of club gaming permit, club machine permit, licensed premises gaming machine permit where relevant representations have been received.

Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 (as amended by Section 27, Policing and Crime Act 2009

(g)               determination of application for the grant/  renewal/ transfer of a sex shop, sex cinema or sexual entertainment venue

Town Police Clauses Act 1847, Public Health Act 1875 and Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976

(h)        to exercise the Council’s powers and duties in relation to the licensing of hackney carriages and private hire vehicles, including the licensing of vehicles, drivers and operators, the control of numbers of hackney carriages, the licensing of private hire operators and the granting of permits for small buses where the matter has been referred by the delegated officer.


Contact information

Support officer: Democratic Services 01732 227165. Email:


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