Agenda item

Report to Licensing Sub-Committee following receipt of a representation in relation to an application made under the Licensing Act 2003 for the Cotton Mill in Swanley - 18/00126/LAPRE

(Swanley Christchurch & Swanley Village)


The Hearing gave consideration to a report by the Chief Officer Environmental and Operational Services giving details of an application under Section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003 for a premises licence for The Cotton Mill, 10 Station Road, Swanley, Kent BR8 8ET. It was noted that objections had been received and not withdrawn and accordingly the application had been referred to the Sub-Committee for determination.


Photographs to show the site were tabled by Officers at the request of Members to aid consideration. The Hearing heard from the applicants who advised that it was their intention that the sale of alcohol in general would not take place until 4pm, however there could be occasions on weekends or due to small events where they would wish to sell alcohol from 12pm. The opening hours applied for would provide the opportunity to sell soft beverages and light snacks to commuters from 7am. Signage would be provided to explain that alcohol would not be on sale at these times. The applicants addressed the concerns from the representations made in regards to noise, anti-social behaviour and litter and advised that the owner and intended Designated Premises Supervisor were both personal licence holders and had experience with dealing with potentially difficult situations. CCTV would also be in use.


The Hearing was advised that the two parking bays belonged to the property and Kent Police had advised that the whole area should licenced so that alcohol was not then carried across an unlicensed space. No music would be played outside and signage would be displayed requesting that patrons left quietly.


In response to Members’ questions the applicants advised that there would be a drinking up time and anybody still outside at 10pm would be requested to finish their drinks inside the building. The applicants would be content with additional conditions for the garden to be cleared of patrons by 10.20pm and for the tables and chairs to be removed and stored securely.


In response to further questions, Members were informed that the pub building could only fit 40 people in and therefore it would not be used for large functions and food would be prepared offsite. To allow neighbours to raise or discuss concerns directly, the applicants had previously circulated their contact details and these would also be available online. 


At 11:05 a.m. the Hearing Members withdrew to consider the issues raised, accompanied by the Council’s Legal Advisor and Clerk to the Hearing for the purpose of providing advice only.


At 11.42 a.m. the Hearing Members, Council’s Legal Advisor and Clerk to the Hearing returned to the Chamber.


The Chairman informed the Hearing that the Sub-Committee had had regard to the representations made by the Applicant and interested parties, the Licensing objectives, the Statutory Guidance issued under Section 182 of the Act and the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and was therefore granting the application subject to additional conditions where appropriate to address potential undermining of the licensing objective of prevention of public nuisance.


Resolved: That a Premises Licence in respect of The Cotton Mill, 10 Station Road, Swanley, Kent BR8 8ET, subject to mandatory conditions and additional conditions contained in the notice of determination attached as an appendix to these minutes, be granted. 



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