Agenda item

Budget Update 2018/19


The Portfolio Holder for Finance introduced the report and explained that the Advisory Committees had discussed growth and savings suggestions and further growth had also been identified.  Looking at the savings made in recent years he believed that services that were shared with other councils have not been impacted as much as other services.  Therefore, he thought it would be sensible to have an emphasis on looking for savings in services that were currently shared with at least £50,000 being delivered from these services.


The Chief Finance Officer presented his report and a relevant minute extract from the Planning Advisory Committee held on  23 November 2017 was tabled for information as an addendum to the report.


The report set out progress made in preparing the 2018/19 budget and he explained that during the budget process the position remained fluid as more information became available.


Since the last report the Advisory Committees had been presented with savings proposals. If all of the proposals were accepted by Cabinet, the £100,000 net savings target would have been achieved. However, further information had been received and the Advisory Committees had suggested a number of other growth and savings proposals.  These were likely to result in further savings being required to ensure that the Council continued to have a balanced 10-year budget and remain financially self-sufficient.


It was noted that some assumptions in the budget may change as it is expected that the staff pay award for 2018/19 and 2019/20 will be 2% rather than 1%.  It is also expected that the Council Tax referendum limit will again be the higher of 2% or £5 for a Band D equivalent property.


The Cabinet would make its final recommendation on the budget at its meeting on 6 February 2018, after taking into account any updated information available at that date including the Local Government Finance Settlement.


Public Sector Equality Duty


Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.


Resolved:  That 


a)     Cabinet supports SCIAs 1 to 8 as listed in Appendix D;


b)     the approaches below, to each suggestion from the Advisory Committees, be agreed:


i)             the following be considered for this budget cycle and SCIAs presented to Cabinet on 11 January 2018



Vehicle Replacement Fund (Direct & Trading Advisory Committee (DTAC))

Planning staffing (Planning Advisory Committee (PAC))



Reduction in the cost of the leisure contract (Health & Housing Advisory Committee (HHAC))

Planning application fees, Building Control fees, CIL monitoring income (PAC);


ii)           the following items be kept on the list for future investigation



Broadband improvements (Policy & Performance Advisory Committee (PPAC))

Reinstatement of the Big Community Fund or something similar (PPAC)

Investment in skills training (PPAC but Economic & Community Development Advisory Committee (ECDAC) remit)

Improved start up business accessibility, e.g. seed funding (PPAC but ECDAC remit)

Improved district event and activity promotion (PPAC)

Encourage development of derelict sites (PPAC but ECDAC remit)

Redevelop housing in obsolete shopping centres (Finance Advisory Committee (FAC))



Additional property acquisitions/developments (PPAC)

Investigate further shared services opportunities within this portfolio’s terms of reference (PPAC)

External communications (social and online) (PPAC)

Look at ways to reduce corporate management further (PPAC)

Set up a bank (mobile/local) (PPAC)

Become a social landlord for young workers

Explore options regarding moving from Argyle Road to a lower cost site (FAC)

Explore development potential at Sevenoaks Bus Station (FAC)

Review Estates Management to increase net income (FAC);


iii)         no further action be taken on the following



More incentives for Members to go paperless (FAC);


c)     Officers identify further savings options to be included in the Budget Update report to Cabinet on 11 January 2018; and


d)     the Council Tax increase assumption for 2018/19 and 2019/20 be increased from 2% to £4.95 for a Band D equivalent property.



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