Agenda item

Budget 2018/19: Service Dashboards and Service Change Impact Assessments (SCIAS)


The Chief Finance Officer presented the report which set out updates to the 2018/19 budget within the existing framework of the 10-year budget and savings plan. 


Informed by the latest information from Government and discussions with Cabinet, it was proposed that the Council continued to set a revenue budget which assumed no funding from Government through the Revenue Support Grant or New Homes Bonus. This would result in the Council continuing to be financially self-sufficient as set out in its Corporate Plan.


To achieve this aim and to ensure a balanced budget position over the next 10-year period, whilst also increasing the Council’s ability to be sustainable beyond that time, a savings requirement of £100,000 per annum was included.   Other pressures may come out later in the budget process, such as when the Government publishes its Autumn Budget on 22 November or when the Local Government Finance Settlement is announced in December.  There may therefore be a requirement for further savings.  Officers would continue to monitor these pressures and report the latest position to Cabinet in December.


No new growth and savings items had been proposed in the report for services applicable to this Advisory Committee.  Members were given the opportunity to discuss and put forward any growth and savings suggestions. 


The Chairman had identified a growth item of £47,000 for the vehicle replacement fund for the commercial vehicle fleet.  The current budget which is made up of contributions determined by the original price of the vehicle requires topping up to keep in line with inflation for the replacement of vehicles at the end of their life.  Other considerations had been taken into account but as Chairman and Portfolio Holder he was confident this was the best approach. 


It was noted that opportunities for income generation were continually looked at.


Public Sector Equality Duty

Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.


Resolved:  That Cabinet be advised that

a)     no growth and savings proposals had been identified in Appendix D to the report, applicable to this Advisory Committee had been noted; and

b)     a growth item of £47,000 for the vehicle replacement fund had been identified and was recommended to Cabinet.


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