Agenda item

SE/17/00449/FUL - Land Behind Sorrento, Station Road, Eynsford DA4 0EJ

Demolition of existing carport and garage. Replacement with new residential dwelling with basement to include leisure facilities.


The proposal was for the demolition of an existing carport and garage. Replacement with a new residential dwelling with basement to include leisure facilities. The application had been referred to Committee by Councillor Horwood on the grounds that the development would be inappropriate in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and would represent a loss to neighbouring amenity.


Members’ attention was brought to the main agenda papers and late observation sheet which amended conditions 4 and 13 and included an additional condition, 14.


The Committee was addressed by the following speakers:


Against the Application:   Rhian Wortham

For the Application:         Neil Goodhew

Parish Council:                Ferne Haxby

Local Member:                 Cllr. Horwood


Members asked questions of clarification from the speakers and officers. Members were advised by the officers that a previous application on the site was refused by delegated authority due to lack of affordable housing contribution and ecology survey. The current proposal was for a height of 7.5m and eaves height of 3m, where that previous application had a height of 7m.  It was queried whether condition 14 could be amended to include details relating to control of light emitted from the basement.


It was moved by the Chairman and duly seconded that the recommendation in the report and late observations, be agreed. It was duly agreed that the motion be altered so that condition 14 be amended to include restrictions to the light displaying from the basement.


Members discussed whether the development would be inappropriate due to the scale and bulk of the proposal within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and discussed whether the development would both conserve and enhance the AONB. Concern was raised at the effect the bulk and scale would have on neighbouring amenity and the lighting would have on the rural character of the area. Some Members expressed concern at the width of the driveway and how emergency vehicles would not be able to reach the dwelling.


The motion to grant planning permission was put to the vote and it was lost.


It was moved by the Chairman and duly seconded that the application should be refused under policies: EN1 due to the detrimental impact of the bulk, height and scale and failure to provide satisfactory access for vehicles; EN5 as the development would not conserve or enhance the AONB; EN6 and LO7. An informative regarding  provision of visibility splays to be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer following consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Local Member.


The motion was put to the vote and it was:


Resolved: That planning permission be refused on the grounds that


1)     The proposed development, by reason of its height, bulk and scale would fail to conserve and enhance the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and would be harmful to the rural character of the area contrary to policy L07 of the Core Strategy (2011), policies EN1, EN5 and EN6 of the Allocations and Development Management Plan (2015) and the National Planning Policy Framework.

2)     The proposed development would fail to provide a satisfactory means of access for vehicles contrary to policy EN1 of the Allocations and Development Management Plan (2015).


1)     In the interests of highway safety you are advised of the Highway Authority’s request to provide visibility splays at 2.4m x 43m, with no obstruction above 0.6m at the entrance to the site.

2)     There are some concerns about the access to the site for emergency vehicles which should be clarified; and concerns about the impact of light pollution from the proposed light wells in the AONB.


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