Agenda item

SE/17/00283/FUL - 23 College Road, Hextable, Kent BR8 7RH

Proposed new 3 bedroom end of terrace house and minor works and alterations to rear extension to existing house


The proposal sought permission fora new 3 bedroom end of terrace house and minor works and alterations to rear extension to existing house. The application was referred to Committee by Councillor Kitchener on the grounds of the impact on the street scene.


Members’ attention was brought to the main agenda papers. The Committee was addressed by the following speakers:


Against the Application:   Lynda Noble

For the Application:         Peter Stanway

Parish Representative:     -

Local Member:                 -


Members asked questions of clarification from the Officers and Speakers.


It was moved by the Chairman and duly seconded that the recommendation in the report to grant planning permission, be agreed.


Members discussed whether the proposal would result in over development and intensification of the site. The available amenity space to the properties was also discussed. The Committee discussed the location of the proposed property and the surrounding roads. 


The motion was put the to the vote ands it was


Resolved: That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions


1)    The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


In pursuance of section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


2)    No development shall be carried out on the land until details of the materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the extension and new dwelling hereby permitted have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out using the approved materials.


To ensure that the appearance of the development matches the existing dwellings as supported by Policy EN1 of the Sevenoaks Allocations and Development Management Plan.


3)    The access and parking spaces so shown on block plan BP1R date stamped 15 March 2017 shall be provided prior to the first occupation of the new dwelling hereby permitted and shall be retained as such at all times.


To ensure highways safety in accordance with Policy EN1 and T2 of the Sevenoaks Allocations and Development Management Plan.


4)     The visibility splays of 2.0 metres x 2.0 metres, as shown on block plan BP1R date stamped 15 March 2017, with no obstructions over 0.6 metres above the footway level shall be provided before the first occupation of the new dwelling hereby permitted and shall be maintained as such at all times.

To ensure highways safety in accordance with Policy EN1 and T2 of the Sevenoaks Allocations and Development Management Plan.

5)    Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any Order amending, revoking and re-enacting that Order) no enlargement, improvement or other alteration permitted by Class A, B, C, D or E of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the 2015 Order (as amended), shall be carried out or made to the dwelling without the grant of a further planning permission by the local planning authority.

To ensure any future development on the site maintains the character of the area and protects neighbouring amenity in accordance with Policy EN1 and EN2 of the Sevenoaks Allocations and Development Management Plan.

6)     No development shall take place until details of all boundary treatment, including any hedges, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The approved scheme shall be implemented prior to the first occupation of the development or phased as agreed in writing by the local planning authority. The approved scheme shall thereafter be retained.

To secure a satisfactory appearance in the interests of the visual amenities and character of the locality in accordance with Policy EN1 of the Sevenoaks Allocations and Development Management Plan.

7)     No development, including any works of demolition or preparation works prior to building operations, shall take place on site until a Construction Transport Management Plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The approved statement shall be adhered to throughout the construction period and shall include details of:(a) parking for vehicles of site personnel, operatives and visitors(b) loading and unloading of plant and materials(c) storage of plant and materials used in constructing the development(d) programme of works (including measures for traffic management)(e) provision of boundary security hoarding behind any visibility zones(f) wheel washing facilities(g) measures to control the emissions of dust and dirt during construction(h) a scheme for the recycling/disposing of waste resulting from demolition and construction works(i) hours of operation.

To ensure that the development does not prejudice the free flow of traffic and conditions of safety on the highway or cause inconvenience to other highway users in accordance with Policy T1 of the Sevenoaks Allocations and Development Management Plan. The Local Planning Authority is satisfied that it is fundamental to the development permitted to address this issue before development commences and that without this safeguard planning permission should not be granted.

8)     The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: LP1 date stamped 31 January 2017, COL23/1C date stamped 10 February 2017 and BP1R date stamped 15 March 2017.

For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.



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