Updates from Members
Cllr. Davison advised that he had attended the Kent County Council (KCC) Health and Overview Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) which had mostly covered subjects relating East Kent. The West Kent Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) had hoped to have a balanced account for the end of the year. There was also concern expressed that the Sunrise Residential Home report had been issued without CCG knowledge.
Cllr. Brookbank advised that the CQC report for Pembury and Maidstone Hospital had been prepared and would be going to the HOSC meeting in June. There would also be a report on the emotional wellbeing of Children in relation to Mental Health and the West Kent CCG was lead on this. Concerns were raised at the restructure in the Swanley Children’s Centres especially with the increase of babies in the area. Other Members also expressed their concerns.
Cllr. Fittock informed that the Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley CCG had discussed grants for voluntary bodies. There was no progress with the PPG regeneration which he was Chairman of. It was noted that KCC had provided a lot of training around the new Care Act that came in on 1 April 2015, and the impact it would have on people’s rights and expectations.
Cllr. Mrs. Bosley advised that a Memory Café in West Kingsdown was opening.
Cllr. Searles spoke about the health meetings he had recently attended. The PPG at Darent Valley were moving away from Medway Hospital and more towards Queen Mary Hospital and there would be a new structure and Terms of Reference for the PPG. There were increasing concerns at Volunteer Bureaux for transport grants to enable residents to attend hospital appointments; more resources were being investigated. At Age UK there was open day for the Dementia day room and Cllr. Searles advised that he had also attended a PPG Chair’s meeting where new appointment software was discussed for GP Surgeries and the various schemes surrounding each PPG. Officers had attended a recent PPG meeting to discuss providing a possible falls prevention class in Hextable. The Oaks Surgery in Swanley was looking to expand their premises. The Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley CCG were reporting that they were within budget. With the creation of new towns in Garden City it had been suggested that 27 new GPs would be required for the area. At the Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley Health and Wellbeing Board, priorities for Ebbsfleet and Paramount developments were being identified.
In response to a question, Cllr. Searles advised that the Garden City would have an impact on local health services and the medical impact was currently being consulted on at Darent Valley Hospital. There was also new A&E department being created at Darent Valley Hospital and minor injury units, like at Sevenoaks Community Hospital, were being investigated for the Garden City. The Chairman praised Sevenoaks Minor Injuries Unit for the efficient and useful service which was provided.
Cllr. Clark advised that as Chairman for the Children’s Centre’s Steering Group in Swanley, he was also concerned about another reorganisation taking place and the impact this had on staff morale. He advised that the Kent Health Trainers attended the Steering Group which provided support services for those who want to make positive lifestyle changes and also works with Children’s Centres and other groups where needs were identified.
The Health and Communities Manager advised that in regards to the Children’s Centres restructure there would not be a change to services but rather a change in management so that there would be one manager across both hubs. There was a new District Manager for the District and it was suggested that the Manager be invited to a future meeting to update on Children’s Centres.
Cllr. Cook advised that she had attended the West Kent Health and Wellbeing Board where a guide to a Community Central Approach and the four key ways to do this, had been looked at.
The Health and Communities Manager advised that she had been working with Kent Public Health and Planning Team so that when new developments were being considered that the need for new health services were considered. She was also doing a piece of work for the West Kent Health and Wellbeing Board around Child Local Operational Groups and coordinating the children groups across West Kent. With Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley the Health and Communities Manager was looking into falls and falls pathways in relation to the Better Care Fund and the new provider.