Updates from Members
The Chairman advised that Cllr. George had raised concerns over fast-food vans parking outside school buildings. It was confirmed that the District Council does not license such units, so relevant schools should be contacted to seek a solution.
The Chairman had also attended the West Kent Health and Wellbeing Board and heard a presentation with regards to identifying the need for the Board to be more active in partnership working and progressing changes to service provision to reflect reduced budgets. The Board were advised that a new task-and-finish group to look at adult obesity was set up, following the work done in respect of child obesity the findings of which were being taken forward. The Chairman and the Health and Communities Manager had offered to sit on this new group.
Cllr. Davison reported that the contract for Hospital Patient Transport Service was commissioned to NSL to operate this service. West Kent Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) was the lead organisation for commissioning the service. The Kent County Council (KCC) Heath and Overview Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) had reported their concerns about the operation of this service and it was being investigated.
He also advised that numbers waiting for initial assessment and treatment under Children’s Mental Health Services (CAMHS) was improving. West Kent CCG were also the lead organisation for commission CAMHS. Cllr. Davison attended the South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAmbs) AGM where a restructure was being looked at. It was hoped to develop more rest centres for ambulance crews within local areas. Kent Community Health Trust were running a new Rapid Response Service and Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Trust had reported a deficit.
Cllr. Searles had attended Darent Valley Hospital meetings. There were concerns over ambulance transport services between hospitals. The Chairman commented that the West Kent CCG Accountable Officer had been invited to Scrutiny Committee to provide details on this service, and asked Councillors to attend if they could or feed any questions through Cllr Searles. The Darent Valley Hospital had reported 96% achievement on turn around times although infection control still needed to make further improvements, other hospitals across Kent had improved. It was being investigated for the building of a new A&E Department to deal with the increase of attendances and better education for BME groups to visit their GP rather than arriving at A&E in the first instance. Dartford Gravesham and Swanley CCG had held a ‘Better Care Together’ event on 6November at Princess Park in Dartford.
He advised that the new Swanley gateway was due to open late spring/early summer 2015 and would be modelled as a dementia friendly facility. This would then be used as a blueprint model for the rest of Kent. Cllr. Searles had also attended around a dozen health meetings and provided some health advice cards for the group to circulate.
Cllr. Brookbank advised that he was assisting with the children’s centres’ Care Quality Commission (CQC) review as part of his County HOSC role. Sevenoaks children centres did not receive a good outcome previously with the North of the District fairing slightly better. Children’s Centres in the District had also undergone an Ofsted Inspection recently and a report was due in January 2015 setting out the findings. The Health and Communities Manager advised that both she and the Healthy Living Project Officer had been interviewed as part of a review concerning Children’s Centres and excellent partnership working was identified.
Cllr. Mrs. Bosley advised the Board that the Sport England funded ‘Be Inspired, Be Active’ project had been very well received and supported at various events. She stressed the importance that associated initiatives continued as part of longer-term strategies, once initial two year project has ended.
Cllr. Fittock advised that the Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley CCG were in the process of launching an electronic database for voluntary services as this was the first step towards more integrated services. Members were also advised that good progress was being made with the dementia services in Swanley and he had attended an event at Woodlands. Further events were to be arranged as part of the local dementia friendly initiative and another dementia newsletter had been produced which would be circulated.
Members were advised of dementia friendly training that was taking place at the District Council offices. It was reported that Health Watch were now allowing Councillors to be part of their organisation. The Swanley Food Bank were still looking for bigger accommodation and this should be referred to the Advisory Committee to consider and support as this Council should continue to support Food Banks in the District.
Action 1: For Economic and Community Development Advisory Committee to consider looking for larger accommodation for the Swanley Food Bank.
Cllr. Clark advised the Board that New Ash Green were hoping to have an outdoor gym built with funding from both the Big Lottery Fund and the District Council’s own Big Community Fund. He also reminded the Board that a Christmas magic event was to be held in New Ash Green on 13 December 2014 and would provide a range of family activities including an ice rink as part of the ‘Be Inspired, Be Active’ project.
The Chairman thanked the Health and Communities Manager and the team for the good work in assisting the Board and it’s work programme.
The Chairman used her discretion and allowed Mr Young, the Chairman of the Edenbridge PPG to address the Board who advised that the priorities of the Edenbridge PPG included working on the better use of cottage hospitals for local services and linking with the priorities identified within their own GP surgery. The Chairman suggested that the Chairs of the PPG Cluster groups in the District were invited to a future meeting to give an overview of their priorities.