Agenda item

Budget 2015/16: Service Reviews and Service Change Impact Assessments (SCIAS)


The Chief Finance Officer presented a report which detailed the update to the 2015/16 budget within the existing framework of the 10 year budget and savings plan.  The report considered by the Committee represented the second stage of the budget process and would be presented to all Advisory Committees.  The purpose of the report was for the Advisory Committees to advise Cabinet on growth and savings ideas for the Services within their terms of reference. He advised that the budget was currently balanced and this was where the Council wanted to be at the year end.


Currently there were no growth or saving proposals identified which were applicable to the Committee. The Service Overview was a new document that was intended to provide Members with improved information to give further context. 


In response to questions the Chairman advised the Committee of staffing levels within Democratic Services and how as the team was so small, there were limited options for partnership working.


It was queried whether previous Freedom of Information (FOI) requests could be included on the website. The Chief Finance Officer advised that there was an Officer working group looking at what additional information regarding FOIs could be included on the website.


Members discussed the length of the reports and whether there were alternative options for the information to be presented.  The Chief Finance Officer advised that the contents of this report has changed over recent years to reflect Members comments and any further comments would be considered when writing similar reports in future years.  The Chief Executive advised that certain information included in all reports was a requirement and also that safeguarding was an important issue.  Members agreed that it was important to have a high standard of reports, so that if processes failed lessons could be learnt.


Public Sector Equality Duty


Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.


Resolved:  That there were no further suggestions for growth and savings for the services within the terms of reference of the Advisory Committee


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