Agenda item

Update on the Allocations and Development Management Plan (ADMP)

Main report and supplementary report considered by Local Planning & Environment Advisory Committee attached.


The Joint Planning Policy Team Leader presented a report which updated Members on the Allocations and Development Management Plan (ADMP).  It had been examined by the Planning Inspector in March 2014 and the Inspector’s initial findings were set out. The principal modifications would need to be subject to six weeks of public consultation. The Planning Policy Team Leader confirmed that the Inspector had requested that 13 main amendments must be made to the ADMP, for it to be found sound.  


Members noted and considered the relevant minute and recommendations received from the Local Planning & Environment Advisory Committee who had considered the same report. 


A Member asked how much protection MM13  ‘Subject to the findings of an up to date Strategic Housing Market Assessment, which the Council will commence in 2014, the Council commits to undertake an early review of the Core Strategy, in part or in whole, within the next five years, in accordance with the National Planning Practice Guidance , in order to ensure that it has an up to date suite of policies and proposals in place to deliver sustainable growth in accordance with the NPPF’ would give at the present time against planning decisions and appeals, and whether the positioned weakened as the five years went on.  In response the Joint Planning Policy Manager advised that the outcome would be that the site allocations in the ADMP would be found sound and that the District would still have approximately 90% of Green Belt  and 60% AONB, which continue to be given significant protection in development control decisions by Inspectors and the Secretary of State; also that there would be no gap in plan preparation as work will begin on the review of the Core Strategy later this year.  The Portfolio Holder for Local Planning & Environment further added that it was merely a commitment to review.  The concern expressed was for how far the proposal to include 450 dwellings in the policy for Fort Halstead, following the Inspector’s concerns about the Council’s previously proposed policy,  would affect the opportunities to attract highly skilled employment uses.


It was agreed that the consultation should be widely publicised.  It was noted that three drop in information sessions had been provisionally arranged as follows:  12/13/14 August in Swanley, Sevenoaks and Edenbridge respectively.  The drop in sessions had been delayed as the Council had needed to confirm that the Inspector was happy with the Fort Halstead main modification before starting the consultation. 


Public Sector Equality Duty


Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.


Resolved:  That


                             a)            the main modifications to the ADMP be agreed and published for consultation (along with the Sustainability Appraisal) during a six week period to be agreed by the Portfolio Holder;


                             b)            the Portfolio Holder be authorised to agree minor presentational changes and detailed amendments to the consultation document to assist clarity; and


                              c)            the consultation document be published on the Council’s website and made available to purchase in hard copy at a price to be agreed by the Portfolio Holder.

Supporting documents:


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