Agenda item

Local Development Scheme Review


The Joint Planning Policy Team Leader presented a report that explained that the Local Development Scheme (LDS) set the work programme for the development of Local Plan (formerly Local Development Framework) documents.  The latest formally adopted version of the Local Development Scheme was agreed by Cabinet in March 2012 and was out of date.  Given current uncertainties over the timetables for the preparation of the Allocations and Development Management Plan and the Gypsy and Traveller Plan, it was recommended that the Council postpone the agreement and adoption of a new Local Development Scheme until Autumn 2014.  It was recommended that the Council now undertake a new Strategic Housing Market Assessment to begin the process of addressing concerns expressed about the Core Strategy housing target through the Broom Hill appeal decisions and the ADMP examination (as in item 10).).


The Joint Planning Policy Team Leader further advised that Brandon Lewis MP, at the Department for Communities and Local Government had advised that national policies relating to Gypsy and Traveller sites in the Green Belt may be amended and so Officers were unsure of the impact these changes would have on the preparation of the Gypsy and Traveller Plan. The Committee was advised that Cabinet would be considering the proposed Gypsy and Traveller plan after the consultation on 11 September 2014 and so an extra meeting of this Advisory Committee could be arranged to advise the Cabinet.

The Inspector for the ADMP would be more confident of finding the Plan sound were the Council to commit that a new SHMA be undertaken. This could be the first step to a review of the Core Strategy, if necessary.


A Member proposed that the Timberden Farm, Shoreham site be removed from the Gypsy and Traveller Consultation due to the burden comments were putting on Officers’ workload. The Chairman advised that any alterations would prejudice the consultation process and that the Committee had already made its recommendations to the Cabinet. It was not the only site which had been recommended for removal. The Portfolio Holder for Local Planning & Environment added that the consideration of the consultation was already being brought forward from November to September 2014.


A Member queried whether the Council could adopt Government guidance of providing a five year supply rather than the proposed 15 years. Officers indicated that the plan would need to show a rolling five year supply and so the consultation process would need to take place each year. Absence of an appropriate supply would amount to a material consideration in future planning applications for Gypsy and Traveller sites.


Members and the public were reminded that all comments on the Gypsy and Traveller Site Consultation could be submitted into the formal consultation.


Public Sector Equality Duty


Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.


Resolved: It be recommended to Cabinet that


a)        the Council undertake a new Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) to identify its objectively assessed housing need, following the publication of new Government household projections later in Autumn 2014, and that this, and its comparison with the Core Strategy housing target, form the first step in considering the need to review or partially review the Core Strategy; and


b)        the Local Development Scheme be reconsidered in Autumn 2014, once the likely timetable for the adoption of the Allocations and Development Management Plan (ADMP) was clear and once the Gypsy and Traveller Site Options consultation was closed and an initial assessment of comments had been carried out.


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