Agenda item

Sevenoaks Town Centre Parking Review


The Chairman exercised his discretion and allowed a Member of the public Mr. FitzGerald to address the Committee. He expressed his agreement that there was a need for additional parking but that the design of the car park needed to be considered carefully, and have something that would take into consideration the landscape, as first impressions of Sevenoaks were important.


The Chief Officer, Environmental and Operational Services advised that there was no planning application submitted yet. Once a planning application had been submitted there would be a consultation period through the normal planning process.  He advised that on site construction time needed to be as short as possible for minimum disruption for existing car park users.  The Chairman thanked Mr FitzGerald for his comments.


The Chief Officer, Environmental and Operational Services presented a report detailing the proposal to provide additional parking provision in Sevenoaks Town Centre by ‘decking’ the existing Council owned Buckhurst 2 and / or the Suffolk Way Car Parks.  He advised that an independent survey and the Council’s  in-house surveys had identified that additional capacity was required.  In total for long and short stay parking an additional 300 spaces were identified.  The on site construction period for ‘decking’ would be approximately 5 to 6 weeks.  The additional spaces would provide additional income.  The full cost pay back of the construction for Buckhurst 2 Car Park was 12 – 13 years.  .


In response to a question, The Chief Officer, Environmental and Operational services advised that no formal consultation had taken place yet but views would be sought through the planning process and other consultation with interested parties.


A Member expressed their concern that opportunities before had been missed, and that something needed to be done to enhance the town.  There was a long history of parking problems and it was something that should not be rushed.  A proper consultation should take place first.


Members expressed concern that the process was moving too quickly and that the options needed to be considered in more detail.  Some Members felt that it was a substantial amount of money for something that appeared to be a short term solution.  Consideration also needed to be given to additional traffic congestion.  The Chief Officer, Environmental and Operational Services advised that this would be considered as part of the planning process where Kent Highways would be consulted.


Cllr Mrs Purves addressed the Committee, expressing her view that by building on Suffolk Way Car Park it would create a barrier between the Leisure Centre and the Library and would cut it off from the town.


Members questioned whether a working group could be set up to consider the design and review parking.


The Chief Officer, Environmental and Operational Services informed Members that the report would be brought to Cabinet on 6 March 2014 to make a decision  to submit a planning application for Buckhurst 2 car park and  other recommendations of Cabinet would be considered by Full Council on 1 April 2014. 

Members thought it would be useful to set up a working group to consider the design and review parking in general.


Public Sector Equality Duty


Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.


Resolved:  That it be recommended to Cabinet


a)     that a planning application be submitted to provide an additional 300 car park spaces on the exiting Buckhurst 2 car park  by providing a two storey elevated car deck;


b)     a Member working group of the Economic and Community Development Advisory Committee be set up to consider the design of the additional car park provision  and review parking in general, following Cabinet’s consideration of the recommendation’s of the Scrutiny Members working group on parking. Members of the working group would include: Cllr Ball, Cllr Horwood and Cllr Maskell.


c)      That it be recommended to full Council that


                                  i)     subject to planning consent, to undertake a Procurement exercise for the project and subject to the successful tender being within the estimated costs as outlined in this report, to award a contract to design and build the elevated car park decks on the existing Buckhurst 2 car park.


                                ii)     a budget of £3.5-£4.0 million be approved to be financed by borrowing from the Public Works Loan Board.


                              iii)     that delegated authority be granted to the Portfolio Holders for Finance and Resources and Economic and Community Development to, after consideration of the tender evaluation, accept the most economically advantageous tender, to award the contract and authorise expenditure and approvals within the estimated costs outlined in this report and the borrowing approval.


                              iv)     that a planning application be submitted for the decking of the existing Bradbourne car park to increase parking capacity in the area adjacent to the railway station.


                                v)     a planning application be submitted to provide additional parking spaces in the existing Suffolk Way car park by providing either a one or two storey elevated car deck, to allow for longer term provision of additional short stay parking capacity.


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