Agenda item

Questions to the Portfolio Holder for Local Planning and Environment


The Portfolio Holder for Local Planning & Environment presented some opening remarks, updating the Committee on his work since his last attendance before them.

He advised that the Allocations and Development Management Plan (ADMP) had been submitted to the Inspector for consideration in March 2014, with a report expected in June and the Plan to be adopted in August, all being well. A recent Planning Inspector’s appeal decision about Broomhill, Swanley raised concerns that, like many authorities, the Council’s housing supply numbers set out in its Core Strategy were out of date and not in keeping with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Shortly before Christmas 2013 the Council Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule was found sound by an independent inspector and so it would be presented to Cabinet and Council later in the month. A management process was still needed for managing CIL payments received. CIL training would be provided to parish and town councils in Spring 2014. The Gypsies and Traveller Plan Consultation Document intended to set out how the Council could meet the need for 70 pitches. The Document was going to the Local Planning & Environment Cabinet Advisory Committee ready for consultation in April 2014.


A Member asked whether the Council had further information about collective energy switching following a leaflet he had been shown from Dartford, Gravesham and Dover Borough Councils. The Chief Officer Housing advised that the Council was in the very early stages of looking at this, including the costs involved. It could provide an income for the Council without creating additional fees for end user.


Another Member asked whether the Council intended to spread future Gypsy and Traveller pitches equally across the District, or focus around existing sites. The Chief Planning Officer advised the issue was still in the early stages and it depended on what arose from the consultation, including the call for sites. Those sites currently identified as possible sites would not meet the need in full and sites put forward would not necessarily be the most appropriate.


Members sought more information on the criticism of the Council’s housing supply and whether this was particularly about a type of property and whether this meant there would be greater development on the Green Belt. The Chief Planning Officer clarified that it was not a criticism of the mix of housing. The Core Strategy had been adopted in February 2011 while Regional planning policies were in place including for future housing numbers. The NPPF required objectively assessed housing figures. However, the Broomhill site was not in the Green Belt and the Planning Inspector had said that the Council’s Green Belt and AONB policies were in keeping with the NPPF. The Green Belt was still designated as being of strategic importance.


A Member suggested there was a greater need for bungalow houses with the increasingly ageing population. The Chief Planning Officer advised that planning policies were character based and did not specify particular places for bungalows.


A Member, not on the Committee, asked how proactive the Core Strategy was, particularly when applications had recently been received for crematoria when there were alternative sites which were brownfield. The Chief Planning Officer advised the Core Strategy was strategically focussed, whereas the ADMP would identify more particular sites for development. The need for crematoria had not arisen through the Core Strategy development and consultation process.



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