Agenda item

SE/13/01143/LBCALT - The Chantry, The Green, Otford, Sevenoaks TN14 5PD

Internal alteration for enhanced use of existing accommodation and provision of 2 No conservation rooflights to the East facing elevation


The proposal was for alterations to a Grade II* listed building including internal alterations and the installation of two external velux roof lights in the roof slope of the right flank elevation.

It was noted that the principal objections raised, particularly from the parish council, concerned the rooflights. The rooflights would be conservation style, flush with the building and not coloured, and each would measure 0.3m by 0.7m. They would be set 1.4m above the eaves, approximately half way to the ridge.


The site was in the centre of Otford village, on the green and next to the war memorial and St Bartholomew’s Church. The Grade II* listed building dates its timber frame back to the fourteenth century and was extended in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. It is sited in a Conservation Area and Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and next to a public right of way.


The report advised that the proposal would not result in harm to the character or fabric of the Listed Building. Members’ attention was drawn to the tabled Late Observations sheet, including the comments of the historical significance of the roof tiles.


The Committee was addressed by the following speakers:


Against the Application:       -

For the Application:              -

Parish Representative:         Cllr. Whitehead

Local Member:                      -


Members were directed to a statement submitted by Cllr. Ms. Lowe.


Officers responded to Members’ questions. It was believed the rooflights would be made with clear glass and the frames appeared to be thinner than regular velux rooflights and were apparently black.


It was MOVED by the Chairman and was duly seconded that the recommendation in the report to grant permission subject to conditions be adopted.


One Member suggested that the external modification was minor. Another commented that the antique fabric of the building was not affected by the proposals.


Several Members felt strongly that the rooflights would be damaging to the character of the listed building. The style of windows was out of keeping with the building. The windows were visible when walking near to the site.


Members noted that under the National Planning Policy Framework any harm or loss to the listed building should require clear and convincing justification. They did not feel that the additional light provided by the rooflights was enough reason to outweigh the damage caused.


The motion was put and the Chairman declared the motion to be LOST.


It was MOVED by the Chairman and was duly seconded that Listed Consent be refused on grounds of the impact to the integrity of the listed building contrary to paragraph 132 of the NPPF and Policy EN23 of the Sevenoaks District Local Plan.


The motion was put to the vote and there voted


7 votes in favour of the motion


2 votes against the motion


Resolved: That listed building be REFUSED. The proposed roof lights would fail to preserve the integrity of the listed building. The proposal had failed to demonstrate clear and convincing justification for the harm caused to the heritage asset by the development. This was contrary to paragraph 132 of the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy EN23 of the Sevenoaks District Local Plan.


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