Agenda item

Emmetts Gardens, Emmetts Lane, Ide Hill, Kent. TN14 6BA

(Brasted, Chevening And Sundridge)


The Hearing gave consideration to a report by the Chief Executive giving details of an application from National Trust (Enterprises) Ltd for a new Premises License under the Licensing Act 2003 for Emmetts Gardens, Emmetts Lane, Ide Hill, Kent TN14 6BA. It was noted that objections had been received and that accordingly the application had been referred to the Sub-Committee for determination.


The Hearing heard from the Applicant’s solicitor who provided to the Committee a leaflets detailing forthcoming events at Emmetts Garden, together with a covering letter, which had formed part of the application. The Chairman allowed the Sub-Committee time to consider these documents. The Applicant’s solicitor advised that not all the events listed would include licensable activities.


The Applicant’s solicitor gave a brief overview of the 249 National Trust sites that already had Premises Licenses. To date, none of these licences had been revoked, reviewed or had enforcement action taken against them.


Previously, Temporary Event Notices had been granted for low key events. However a permanent licence would make organising events more simple and straight forward. No alcohol would be sold at the site until there was a Designated Premises Supervisor. It would be likely that 12 events would take place that would require a license each year. These would be low-key.


Members asked questions of clarification of the Applicants. The Head Gardener of Emmetts Garden showed Members the likely location of events. There would be some sound protection from a yew fence. The number of visitors could vary from 1500 in Bluebell season to 100 to 300 out of season. A field was used for additional parking up to 28 days a year.


 The Applicants explained there was a public footpath through the site and so the premises were formally open all day.


The Hearing heard from Mr. S. Winn, one of the objectors. He objected to the noise which might be caused by amplified sound, as he considered it a peaceful area. He also objected to the additional traffic created. There should be a limited number of events and sound levels could be limited to prevent a public nuisance.


In summary, the Applicants informed the Sub-Committee there had been no problems reported regarding sound nuisance with previous events . Neighbours close to Emmetts Garden had been contacted by the National Trust and provided with a direct telephone number to call the event operator in case they felt that the sound was causing a nuisance.


At 11:20 a.m. the Hearing Members withdrew to consider the issues raised and the Council’s Legal Advisor accompanied them for the purpose of providing Legal advice only.


At 11:35 a.m. the Hearing Members and the Council’s Legal Advisor returned to the Council Chamber.  


The Chairman informed the Hearing that the Sub-Committee had had regard to the representations made by the Applicant and interested parties, to the guidance issued under s.182 of the Licensing Act 2003 and the Council’s statement of Licensing policy. Events falling within Sections A to G of the Operating Schedule would be limited to 12 a year. This would be subject to local residents and Sevenoaks District Council being informed. Local residents would be those who had raised objections to the licence application and any who complained about the nuisance in the future.


It was therefore unanimously,


Resolved: That a Premises License in respect of Emmetts Gardens, Emmetts Lane, Ide Hill, Kent TN14 6BA subject to the conditions contained in licence attached as an appendix to these minutes be granted.

Supporting documents:


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