Agenda item

West Kent Cold Store Section 106 Agreement - Community Facilities


In January 2012, Cabinet approved the development of projects to be funded from Section 106 contributions associated with the West Kent Cold Store development.  The four projects were selected following consultation with the local community in Dunton Green and Riverhead, the invitation to local organisations to apply for funding and the consideration by a Steering Group of District, Parish and County Members.


Members considered a report outlining the work that had been undertaken in developing the projects to date, setting out costs and timescales and seeking final approval for the projects.


The Head of Community Development introduced the report and outlined each of the four projects in detail.  The Steering Group which included KCC Members, Local Members and Parish Councillors had been established and had been heavily involved in drawing up the summary of proposals outlined in the report. 


Referring to Project 1 – Dunton Green Community Centre – the Chairman asked that the following amendment be made to condition 2:


2. That the Parish Council includes appropriate security measures to protect the building and outside equipment as part of the programme.


In considering Project 3 -  The Heights, Riverhead and lighting for St Mary’s Church -  the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Value for Money suggested that discussions with KCC should take place to ensure that the new fountain would not be lost if any future improvements were made to the junction.


The Head of Community Development explained that the Project Worker (Project 4) would be employed within the Sevenoaks District Council Community Development Team and would be tasked with identifying the needs of the community in order to encourage any services that were needed into the area.


The Head of Community Development also highlighted that consideration had been given to library provision but it had not been possible to accommodate this.  This could be reviewed if a need was identified in the future and there was found to be spare capacity within the new community building.


Resolved: That, having considered the equality impacts set out in the report:


(a)   The developer contributions set out in the Section 106 Agreement with Berkley Homes be allocated as follows, subject to the amended conditions outlined in the report:


Dunton Green Parish Council: £1,000,000 towards the demolition of the existing pavilion, the provision of a community building and new and replacement outdoor facilities on the Dunton Green Recreation Ground site.


Dunton Green Village Hall Management Committee: £25,000 towards improvements to the hall kitchen and toilets.


Riverhead Parish Council: £59,000 towards environmental improvements at The Heights, Riverhead and to lighting at St Mary’s Church.


Sevenoaks District Council: £150,894 towards the cost of community development, youth, advice and support work for the new community.


(b)   That the Portfolio Holder for Community Wellbeing and the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Balanced Communities be authorised to make minor amendments to the conditions set and the allocations of funds provided they do not substantially affect the purpose of the funding, including the allocation of any additional funding accruing from index linking or interest payments.



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