Agenda item

Review of Polling Districts, Polling Places & Polling Stations


The Assistant Chief Executive presented the report which explained the Council had conducted a statutory review and consultation of the polling districts and polling places within the District. It was explained it was a legal requirement to undertake and conclude the review by determining the geographical polling districts and agreeing to the locations of polling places. It was clarified that there were no proposed changes to the polling districts.


Members asked questions with a focus on the suitability of the polling station locations and the climate change impact. It was explained that unfortunately, the Council was limited for appropriate locations. Requests had been sent to local schools however these were politely rejected predominantly on child safety grounds and lack of capacity. Mobile polling stations were a last resort as they were costly and would not provide the necessary amenities for staff and voters. It was recognised that joint polling stations could increase traffic to the polling station areas. It was noted the joint polling station locations were the most suitable, available for the polling area.


With regards to climate change impact, Members clarified that they would prefer polling stations to support sustainable travel but should also include car parking where possible. The Assistant Chief Executive noted the comments and clarified they did not hold the climate change impact data for traveling to polling stations.


Resolved: That it be recommended to Council that the proposed polling places, set out in Appendix F, be approved.

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