Agenda item

Big Community Fund


The Head of Community Development introduced a proposal to establish a new grant scheme funded by the New Homes Bonus Scheme which would enable Members to take forward projects in their local communities. The fund, to be called the Big Community Fund grant scheme, would enable Members to bid for funding in partnership with a local delivery organisation such as a town or parish council, voluntary or community organisation to improve or strengthen the local community or local area. The total amount of grant available each month under the scheme would be £10,000 with a maximum of £3,000 per application, totalling £120,000 in a full financial year. Any amount unallocated from one month would roll-into the next month’s allocations.

It was proposed that awards would be made by the Portfolio Holder for Community Wellbeing with advice and recommendations from a panel of specially trained Members. This panel of 5 members drawn from a wider pool would meet each month to consider applications against the published criteria for the scheme and to make recommendations. Where applications related to the Portfolio Holder’s Ward, or where she had an interest, or in her absence, then the Leader of the Council would take the decision. Where the Portfolio Holder’s or Leader’s view was contrary to the Panel’s recommendation the application would be referred to the Cabinet for decision. The amount allocated to each ward would be considered as part of the grant appraisal process and it was proposed that the awards would be reported to the Performance and Governance Committee to ensure transparent scrutiny..

The Cabinet welcomed the new scheme which it felt would have a very positive impact at local level, noted the criteria for applications, the assessment template and the draft timetable for implementation. The Leader of the Council had written to Members to ascertain interest in serving on the advisory panel and 14 Members had volunteered to undertake formal training to enable them to sit on the panel. 


(a) That £120,000 be allocated to the new grant scheme, entitled the Big Community Fund, from the additional New Homes Bonus Scheme funding received;

(b) That approval of the award of grants under the Scheme be delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Community Wellbeing provided such approval is in line with the recommendation of the Project Appraisal Group. If the Portfolio Holder’s view is contrary to the Project Appraisal Group’s recommendation, the application will be referred to Cabinet for decision;

(c) That where the Portfolio Holder is unable to act due to unavailability or an interest or Ward connection the delegation in (b) above shall be exercised by the Leader of the Council;

(d) That the 14 Members listed in the Appendix to these minutes be appointed to the panel to advise the Portfolio Holder for Community Wellbeing in determining grants under the scheme;

(e) That the Big Community Fund guidelines set out in Appendix A to the report be approved; and

(f) That the Appraisal Template set out at Appendix B to the report be agreed.      

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