Land East of the High Street, Sevenoaks
It was moved by Cllr Horwood and duly seconded that the recommendations as set out within the supplementary agenda from Cabinet be agreed. The report set out the identified opportunity to regenerate the Land to the East of Sevenoaks High Street, following the pressing need to undertake significant work to decarbonise the existing leisure centre and other buildings owned to ensure compliance with new environmental standards.
Speaking to the motion, Cllr Horwood stated that this was one of the most significant projects the Council had undertaken to secure investment for Sevenoaks Town, whilst tacking significant financial challenges of how those requirements were met. Initial engagement events had already taken place, and through the Advisory Committees as well as a working group which looked in more detail at the finances.
Members debated the motion, with agreement that this was a project which had a lot of opportunities but it was also complex. Consideration was also given to the working group report and the hierarchy of objectives of the project and possible of conflicts of those. An amendment was moved by Cllr Leaman and duly seconded by Cllr Shea that “That the cabinet member for finance and investments tables the report at the next appropriate meeting, the Council with a full response to the key issues set out in the report of the five Members working group.”
Speaking to the motion, Cllr Leaman set out that the papers demonstrated a mixture of micro clarity and details about cash flow projections but there were elements which had macro ambiguity such as the objectives.
Members debated the amendment, noting that the project was evolving and the Advisory Committees would continue to monitor the progress and finance. Concern was expressed that at this point in time a large amount of time could be spent putting reports forward and more details of the project was needed first, as the issues as they develop would be examined and reported on a regular basis. In debate questions were raised regarding carbon emissions and part of demolishment, and reassurances for cross party, cross community relationships whilst considering the emerging local plan and the emerging master plan being developed by the Town Council. Some concerns had been expressed over the need for a complete risk register as the project moved forward.
In his right of reply to the amendment, Cllr Leaman advised that he recognised that it was a partnership project which would have a mixture of opinions, and looked for assurance that there would be a plan with timetable for milestones.
The amendment was put to the vote and it was lost. There was no further debate on the original motion. Cllr Horwood gave his right of reply to the debate acknowledging that it was a complex and long project which would evolve as it moved forward. Timelines were detailed in the report, particularly around engagement and residents and stakeholders would be kept up to date. It was a partnership project and so there were areas which the Council could not respond to, as it would be down to Kent County Council for their plans on the adult education centre and library. It was important that the leisure centre was funded and acknowledged that there would be conflicting priorities. Affordable housing was highlighted and noted that it was an important part of the development but at this stage there were many unknowns still. He responded to issues raised regarding decarbonising building, and working with the Town Council and Kent County Council.
The motion was put the vote and it was
Resolved: That
a) the development approach outlined in the report to deliver a mixed use scheme in collaboration with Kent County Council and to establish an appropriate special purpose vehicle and other arrangements between the two Councils and a Strategic Development Partner(s) be approved;
b) prior to the appointment of the Strategic Development Partner(s), a further Committee report be submitted to Cabinet to outline the heads of terms of the special purpose vehicle and the associated contractual documentation for approval;
c) authority be delegated to the Strategic Head of Property & Commercial together with the Deputy Chief Executive & Chief Officer Finance and Trading and the Head of Legal and Democratic Services following consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Investment to establish a special purpose vehicle and procure a joint venture Strategic Development Partner(s) subject to approval by Cabinet of the heads of terms of the special purpose vehicle and the associated contractual documentation; and
d) authority be delegated to the Strategic Head of Property & Commercial, following consultation with the Head of Legal and Democratic Services and the Deputy Chief Executive & Chief Officer Finance and Trading, to enter into necessary professional appointments/contracts to procure the services of the necessary consultants.
Supporting documents:
- 06b LEOSH cover minute tf, item 75. PDF 28 KB
- 06b Land East of Sevenoaks High Street Report, item 75. PDF 352 KB
- 06b Supplementary Document - Land East Sevenoaks High Street, item 75. PDF 509 KB
- 06b Appendix A - Redline Plan Regeneration Area & Existing Site Layout, item 75. PDF 2 MB
- 06b Appendix B - Emerging Initial Scheme Concept Design, item 75. PDF 929 KB
- 06b Appendix C - Local Plan Reg 18 Development Brief, item 75. PDF 1 MB
- 06b Appendix D - Engagement and Communications Plan, item 75. PDF 138 KB
- 06b Appendix E - Outline Risk Assessment, item 75. PDF 60 KB
- 06b LEOHS - FIAC Members Members Working Group - (Final Draft), item 75. PDF 82 KB
- Restricted enclosure View the reasons why document 75./10 is restricted
- Restricted enclosure View the reasons why document 75./11 is restricted
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- 06b Coverminute, item 75. PDF 41 KB