Budget 2024/25: Review of Service Dashboards and Service Change Impact Assessments (SCIAs)
The Head of Finance presented the report which set out updates to the 2024/25 budget process within the existing framework of the 10-year budget and savings plan.
Some changes had been made to future assumptions and they would be continued to be reviewed during the budget process. The key cost driver continued to be inflation, with pressure coming through on service demand, the pay award and the cost of goods and services. The items listed in Appendix E reported a current annual budget gap of £1.368m. Members were advised that they were likely to have to make more difficult decisions during the 2024/25 budget setting process than they had had to make for many years.
Informed by the latest information from Government and discussions from Cabinet, it was proposed that the Council once again set a balanced 10-year budget and continued to aim to be financially self-sufficient with no direct funding from Government through additional Revenue Support Grant or New Homes Bonus.
The report presented savings that had been identified which needed to be considered, and requested further suggestions from the Advisory Committee, before finalising the budget for 2024/25.
The Committee considered the proposal as set out in Appendices G and H.
Members gave further consideration to additional suggestions for savings, which included lobbying central government to allow the Council to levy cost recovery fines in Planning Enforcement cases, and to review the provision of non-fee paying Building Control services. The Chief Officer for Planning & Regulatory Services advised that lobbying in this regard was ongoing, including in the recent government Fee Consultation. He further explained that many non-fee earning services were essential, but that this option would be investigated, to see if they could be minimised without negatively impacting the quality of service provided.
Public Sector Equality Duty
Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.
(a) That it be recommended to Cabinet that the savings proposal (SCIA 1) identified in Appendices G & H to the report applicable to this Advisory Committee, be considered.
(b) That no further income or growth proposals were identified.
Supporting documents:
- 06 - 1 - Budget 2024-25 Report - DCAC, item 18. PDF 75 KB
- 06 - Budget 2023-24 - App A - Service Dashboard, item 18. PDF 49 KB
- 06 - Budget 2024-25 - App A(i) - Performance Report, item 18. PDF 167 KB
- 06 - Budget 2024-25 - App B - Budget by service, item 18. PDF 53 KB
- 06 - Budget 2024-25 - App C - Old growth savings, item 18. PDF 54 KB
- 06 - Budget 2024-25 - App D - 10 year budget, item 18. PDF 72 KB
- 06 - Budget 2024-25 - App E - Changes to the 10 year budget, item 18. PDF 90 KB
- 06 - Budget 2024-25 - App H - SCIA's, item 18. PDF 50 KB
- 06 - Budget 2024-25 - App J - Financial Strategy, item 18. PDF 188 KB
- 06 - Budget 2024-25 - App K - Committee Timetable, item 18. PDF 29 KB
- 06 - Budget 2024-25 - DCAC - App F - Managers agreed savings, item 18. PDF 45 KB
- 06 - Budget 2024-25 - DCAC - App G - New growth savings, item 18. PDF 62 KB