Future of the Air Quality Monitoring Stations
The Portfolio Holder for Cleaner & Greener presented the report which proposed to change the way air quality was monitored within the District. The current Bat & Ball and Greatness Air Quality Stations (AQS) were approaching the end of their serviceable lifespans and were expected within the next five years, to become uneconomical to repair. Air Quality had been steadily improving within the district over the past five years, in such that within the next 18 months the Council could be in a position to revoke a number of the four remaining Air Quality Management Areas.
Sevenoaks began monitoring air quality at Greatness Park in 1998 and the air quality station was now over 25 years old. The station at Bat & Ball was installed in 2005. Owing to the age of the stations, they and the analysers that were installed at each location, were approaching the end of their serviceable life. The Nitrogen Oxide Analyser at Bat & Ball failed in January 2023 and required replacement (cost estimated at £16,000) and it was anticipated that further replacement analysers and repairs would be required to maintain the Air Quality Stations in the future. This would require significant investment.
The report recognised that the current position was unsustainable and that now was the right time to make a difficult decision around the future of the air quality stations. It was proposed that unless a suitable partner could be identified between now and April 2024, that both Air Quality Stations be decommissioned and closed.
In place of the existing Air Quality Stations, it was also proposed that the District Council sought to introduce new portable monitoring equipment that could be installed more widely across the district within areas of poorest air quality. A portable network as outlined would introduce flexibility into our air quality monitoring and subject to budgetary and technical constraints could be expanded as and when additional funding were to become available.
She advised that the Cleaner & Greener Advisory Committee had considered the same report and supported the recommendations to Cabinet.
Members discussed the report, and in response to questions Members were advised that the portable AQS were indicative, and would not be the same standard as the sites they were replacing. Though this information would be less detailed, the sites would be easier to locate, and the data from them would be more easily shared with and understood by the public. The Environmental Health Manager advised that the AQS were located in those areas due to the proximity of carriageway and residential. There was a nationally available data published by DEFRA which showed that other areas of the District were compliant with air quality objective levels.
Public Sector Equality Duty
Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.
Resolved: That
a) a partner to take over the management and operating costs of the Air Quality Stations (Bat & Ball and/or Greatness Park) from 1st April 2024, be sought by the Environmental Health Team;
b) if a suitable partner cannot be identified as above; that on the 1st April 2024 the Air Quality Monitoring Stations at Bat & Ball and Greatness Park are closed and decommissioned, be agreed.
c) in replacement of the two existing Air Quality Stations; the District Council seek to develop a network of portable Air Quality Analysers to be sited strategically in areas of poorest air quality. The scale and extent of this network, be subject to technical constraints and available funding from within existing Environmental Health budgets and/ or additional grant funding (or similar) if and when available, be agreed.
At the Chairman’s discretion, The Portfolio Holder for Cleaner & Greener announced that this would be The Environmental Health Manager’s last meeting, before moving to a new local authority and thanked him for his service. Members showed their appreciation.
Supporting documents:
- 09 Coverminutetf, item 40. PDF 23 KB
- 09 - Future of the Air Quality Monitoring within Sevenoaks District, item 40. PDF 68 KB
- 09minutetf, item 40. PDF 43 KB