Agenda item

Universal Credit In-Depth Scrutiny Board - Final Report


The Group Manager – Financial Services, introduced the report reminding the Committee that in January it was agreed that a Members’ Working Group would carry out an in-depth scrutiny of Universal Credit due to the potential significant impact of this change on residents and staff.


He advised that both he and the Director of Corporate Resources and Deputy Chief Executive were extremely grateful for the work that the Members’ Working Group had carried out, the clarity it had provided and the action plan that it was putting forward.  It placed the Council in a strong position going forward in what could only be described as an uncertain period.


The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Universal Credit In Depth Scrutiny Board gave a comprehensive presentation outlining the background to Universal Credits, the effects on and possible role of local councils.  The Group Manager – Financial Services, clarified the


The Chairman thanked the Board for a comprehensive and excellent report.  He recommended that the Committee place a review of the Action Plan, if adopted by Cabinet, in June 2014.


The Leader of the Council was invited to speak by the Chairman, he congratulated the group on their excellent work and responded to some issues raised.  With regards to making work pay he commented that this was the principle of the Universal Credits, however the issue of Council Tax benefit could negate the desired effect.  He advised that the issue of whether TUPE should apply was likely to be pursued in the courts.  If Cabinet agreed to adoption of the Strategy, he requested that the Board help him present the Strategy to Dartford Borough Council’s Cabinet.  In response to questioning from the Chairman he stated that, if adopted, Cabinet would lead on the issue and welcomed support from the Board.


In preparing for the changes Members discussed and it was suggested that the recommendation to partial involvement be made clearer. 


A Member pointed out that more would need to be done to improve rural broadband. 



The Director of Corporate Resources and Deputy Chief Executive were grateful to the Universal Credit Scrutiny Board for all the work they had done.  It provided the Council with the ability to potentially manage and plan for the uncertainties.  It appeared it had also gone some way to reassuring staff who were more confident to stay at the Council for the time being.


Members conveyed their thanks to all staff involved especially the benefits team for their continued commitment to the Council.


Resolved:  That the adoption of the Strategy, subject to the additions discussed, be RECOMMENDED to Cabinet.

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