Agenda item

White Oak Residential


The Portfolio Holder for Improvement & Innovation Advisory Committee updated Members on the development proposal for White Oak Leisure Centre Residential Scheme. Particular emphasis was given to the decreased density from 81 to 61 units, to create a better-quality environment and more family houses. The Improvement and Innovation Advisory Committee had considered the same report and endorsed the recommendations to Cabinet and Council.


The Regeneration Development Project Manager further advised Cabinet that the procurement approach had been updated to reflect the needs of modern methods of construction. The Council had successfully obtained £840,000 of Brownfield Land Release grant funding for the site, and had a guaranteed fixed works price from its contractor, which gave the cost plan a high degree of certainty.


Members were advised this will be the Council’s first modern methods of construction scheme that will deliver high quality, environmentally efficient and sustainable homes with new open space, trees and enhanced landscaping.


Members discussed the report.


Public Sector Equality Duty

Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.


Resolved: That

a)          the receipt of £840,000 grant funding from the One Public Estate Brownfield Land Release Fund which has required the need to adopt an accelerated procurement process, be noted;


b)          this would be the Council’s first modern methods of construction (MMC) scheme that would deliver 61 new high quality, environmentally efficient and sustainable homes and that the Council has procured a preferred contractor in compliance with procurement regulations and the Council’s standing orders, be noted;


c)          the development site as outlined red in Plan A (appendix E) be appropriated for planning purposes in accordance with the section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972 (in reliance on section 227 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990) consequentially facilitating the Council’s powers under sections 203 to 206 of the Housing & Planning Act 2016 to override any outstanding interests, be agreed;


d)          the Strategic Head of Property and Commercial in consultation with the Chief Officer Finance and Trading and the Head of Legal Services, be delegated authority to submit a planning application and to enter into any necessary contracts to facilitate the development and construction of the proposed scheme in accordance with the Council’s ContractsProcedure Rulesand forthe disposalof theresidential units to be developed;


e)          theStrategic Head of Property and Commercial and the Chief Officer Finance and Trading, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance & Investments, be delegated authority, to undertake further detailed design and feasibility work and to proceed with the scheme subject to final scheme viability; subject to Council’s approval of the capital provision of £21,852,476; and


f)           it be recommended to Council that the total project budget be increased to £21,852,476 and that the Capital Programme, be accordingly amended to deliver the scheme, which was to be funded as set out in the Financial Implications of the report, be approved.


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