Agenda item

Budget 2023/24: Review Of Service Dashboards And Service Change Impact Assessments (SCIAS)


The Chief Officer – Finance and Trading presented the report which set out updates to the 2023/24 budget process within the existing financial strategy.  SDC was not immune from the financial challenges affecting the country therefore this budget process was expected to be particularly challenging. 


No changes had been made to future assumptions at the stage which would be reviewed during the budget process, as usual.  However, due to the April 2022 pay award being higher than previously assumed and an annual savings target of £100,000 already included, an annual budget gap of £735,000 was currently reported.


The report presented a growth proposal that had been identified which needed to be considered. It requested further suggestions from Members before finalising the budget for 2023/24. Informed by the latest information from Government and discussions with Cabinet, it was proposed that the Council once again sets a balanced 10-year budget and continues to aim to be financially self-sufficient.


The Committee considered the growth proposal identified in Appendices E & F to the report. Further consideration was given to a Council energy saving advice service, which could help identify ways of helping residents identify where they could be making energy efficiencies and be able to identify appropriate providers for any work which could be carried out.


Members discussed the proposal noting that there were some free services already which offered this advice and considered that the council had previously run a similar service. The Chief Officer, People & Places advised that previously this had been funded by external funding which had since ended. The Chairman advised that any suggestions would have to go through a feasibility study first and this would be able to give a more definitive answer to whether the suggestion would be financially viable as it had to bring in an income rather than be further expenditure.


Public Sector Equality Duty

Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.


Resolved: That it be recommended to Cabinet that


(a)   the growth proposal (SCIA 01) identified in Appendices E & F to the report applicable to this Advisory Committee, be considered; and


(b)   consideration be given to the following further income suggestion of a council energy saving advice service.


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