Agenda item

Allocations and Development Management Plan


The Group Manager – Planning reminded Members that the Allocations and Development Management Plan reported to the Advisory Group on 12 March 2012 had been a working draft. The working draft was subject to changes in allocations and changes in the finalised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

The report set out those changes to the Development Management Policies which would be needed since the NPPF had been finalised. The Group Manager – Planning emphasised that Policy NPPF 1 (Presumption in favour of sustainable development) was regularly being inserted by Inspectors into DPDs during examination. If the amendments proposed to bring the plan into conformity with the NPPF were not made then the document would be found unsound.

A Member noted that the NPPF presumption in favour of sustainable development stated that any development should be considered sustainable where it was in line with up-to-date local plans where they existed.

Action: Officers to add such wording to the document.

Another Member, not on the Committee, felt it was difficult to follow references to the NPPF and asked that paragraph references to the NPPF be added. Officers agreed but suggested some references to the NPPF would be only general in nature.

Action: Officers to add references to the appropriate paragraphs of the NPPF throughout the document.

The report also set out the responses to the consultation for site allocations. The Group Manager – Planning acknowledged that some further changes could be needed and so the recommendation at this time was not for immediate approval of the DPD but only for further discussion with stakeholders. He added that since the last report there had been interest in the Land West of Bligh’s Meadow, Sevenoaks to be retail led. Additionally the owners had requested that the boundary of Swanley Town Centre be extended to the recreation ground and this matter was still unresolved, but the Town Council, who own the recreation ground, had clarified that it would like the land to be retained as such.

The Group considered each of the additions or variations to the 2010 draft allocations in turn and comments were made on the following addresses:

School House, Oak Lane and Hopgarden Land

Concern was raised that the proposed allocations for this site would make it dense and out of keeping with the Character Area Assessment. This was particularly true of the lower site.

Johnsons, Oak Lane and Hopgarden Land

It was suggested that the concerns regarding School House would also apply to this site.

United House, Godsel Road, Swanley

It was noted that the site was subject to ongoing stakeholder discussions. Concern was raised about the impact development could have on density and that there would be no barrier to the paper mill. Development would also have an impact on air quality and highways, which had got worse in the area since the matter was considered in 2010.

The Manor House, New Ash Green

It was noted that the site was subject to ongoing stakeholder discussions. A Local Member, not on the Group explained that there had been a large response to the consultation and, except for those with an interest in development, respondents were almost exclusively against the proposals. They did not want to lose the largest employment site in the parish.

Station Approach, Edenbridge

Members were not certain that the owners of the site, Network Rail, also owned the entrance to the site.

New Ash Green Village Centre, New Ash Green

A Local Member, not on the Group, considered that parking could be a concern with the site. The site would not merely require the re-provision of parking to replace that which would be lost by the development. It would also need added provision for the increased demand that redevelopment, especially the residential development, would create.

Warren Court, Halstead

The representative of the Kent Association of Local Councils informed the Group that the local Parish Council had declared a preference for this site to be allocated for social housing.

Land west of Bligh’s Meadow, Sevenoaks

A Member suggested that the loss of 100 public parking spaces should be a consideration in any future use of the site. The loss of parking could neutralise any economic gain from the development of the site. Officers confirmed parking was noted as a factor to be considered in its future use.

Post Office/BT Exchange, South Park, Sevenoaks

Officers confirmed that the BT site could be available towards the end of the plan period. Members proposed that the two sites be considered separately as it was so uncertain when the BT site could become available.

In response to a question the Group Manager – Planning clarified that the proposal was for mixed use. The site would not just replace employment use with residential use.

Powder Mills (Former GSK Site), Leigh

It was noted that this site was still subject to ongoing stakeholder discussions.

Broom Hill, Swanley

A local resident noted that in a previous Inspector’s report there had been a recommendation for a park to be created to the rear of the existing residential properties to act as a buffer to the M25 Motorway and the proposed employment development. Part of the land was now fenced off but the land would still not be suitable for the proposed allocation because of the impact it would have on the environment and on traffic. Any increased use of the site was opposed. However, the further down the hill any employment development was then the less impact it would have.

A Member, who was also on Swanley Town Council, reiterated the comments about air quality and that the highways would be overused, especially as Beechenlea Lane was so narrow. The public footpath also needed to be incorporated into any future plans. A Member proposed that the existing proposals be reconsidered.

The Chairman informed the meeting that the land to be allocated for development had not been part of the Green Belt for 16 years and that the Sevenoaks District Core Strategy prioritised the development of land which was not in the Green Belt. Responding to a question the Group Manager – Planning commented that the land to be maintained as open space could be considered as a buffer, but noted the comments of the local residents that they wanted the residential and, in some cases, the employment areas also maintained as a buffer.

The Chairman said that the Broom Hill proposals would be subject to a further 6 week consultation, in their current form, to give local residents a further opportunity to submit comments or supplement their previously submitted comments.

Action: Officers to remove reference to Leigh’s Builders Yard, Edenbridge since outline planning permission had now been granted for the site.

Resolved: That the revised Allocations and Development Management Plan is noted and, subject to consultation, supported and that discussions continue with local stakeholders/site promoters on site allocations in order to progress the plan to pre-submission publication.

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