Agenda item

Matters considered by other standing committees:


a)         Electric Vehicle Mileage


Cllr Eyre moved and Cllr Nelson seconded the recommendation from Governance Committee which recommended the Monitoring Officer be authorised to amend the Members’ Allowance Scheme to reflect the rates for mileage for electric vehicles.


Resolved: That the Monitoring Officer be authorised to amend the Members’ Allowance Scheme, so as to reflect the HMRC rates for mileage payments in respect of electric vehicles.


b)             Electronic Summons


Cllr Eyre moved and Cllr Nelson seconded the recommendation from the Governance Committee for the legal service of meeting documents by email. The proposed an alteration to Part two of the Constitution would allow formal summons to meetings to be provided electronically by email.

Resolved: That


a)    the revisions to Part 2 of the Constitution as set out in the report, be approved.

b)    pursuant to the Council’s Net Zero 2030 ambitions, Members agree to accept formal legal service of meeting documents by email; and

c)    paper copies of meeting agendas and report will continue to be available in advance of meetings notwithstanding electronic service, be noted.

c)         Monitoring Officer Annual Report

Cllr Ball moved and Cllr Raikes seconded the recommendation from the Standards Committee to note the Monitoring Officer’s annual report.

Resolved: That the Monitoring Officer’s annual report be noted.


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