Agenda item

Matters considered by the Cabinet and/or Scrutiny Committee:


a)             Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults Policy 2022 – 2025


Cllr Fleming moved and Cllr Dyball seconded the recommendation from Cabinet which sought the adoption of the updated Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults policy.


Resolved: That the updated Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults Policy be adopted.


b)         Air Quality Action Plan


Cllr Fleming moved and Cllr Dickins seconded the recommendation from Cabinet which sought the adoption of the Air Quality Action Plan.


In response to questions Members were advised that an Air Quality Officer had been appointed and would be assisting with campaigns looking at alternative ways to get children to school, as the shortest journeys were often the ones which caused the most pollution. Members were also reassured that any major changes to the policy, such as fines would require Full Council’s approval. The delivery of the actions would be as soon as possible to continue the year on year improvements. It was noted that there was a transport issue and it was hoped by Cabinet agreeing Kent’s first movement strategy this would help.


Resolved: That


a)      the results of the statutory consultation, be noted;


b)     the proposed changes made to the draft Air Quality Action Plan following consultation, be noted;


c)      that the adoption of the Air Quality Action Plan and its publication be supported; and


d)     delegated authority be given to the Environmental Health Manager to agree future amendments and changes to the Air Quality Action Plan following consultation with the Portfolio Holder to ensure it remains relevant and effective for its stated duration.


c)         Environmental Health Enforcement Policy


Cllr Fleming moved and Cllr Dickins seconded the recommendation from Cabinet which sought the adoption of the Environmental Health Enforcement Policy. The policy outlined the statutory and non-statutory duties of the Environmental Health Team and how they would be carried out. The updated policy also reflected various changes to legislation and incorporated the return of environmental health to Sevenoaks as an ‘in house’ service.



Resolved: That the Environmental Health Enforcement Policy contents be noted, and be adopted.






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