White Oak Leisure Centre Residential Quarter, Swanley Development Proposal
- Meeting of Housing & Health Advisory Committee, Monday, 17th January, 2022 5.30 pm, MOVED (Item 49.)
The Strategic Head of Property and Commercial presented the report that gave an update for phase 3 of the redevelopment of the White Oak Leisure centre complex in Swanley.
Work on Phase 1, construction of the new leisure centre, had commenced and work was progressing well. Phase 2, demolition of the existing leisure centre, was on track to begin in February 2022. The report sought approval to proceed with Phase 3, the residential element of the scheme. A hybrid planning application was granted permission in October 2019 with full permission granted to redevelop the leisure centre and outline permission granted for this element. This was to provide a new residential quarter of up to 41 new dwellings on the northern part of the site where the old leisure centre and car park were at the time sited.
It was envisaged that a full planning application would be submitted by July 2022 and, subject to planning being obtained, works could commence in early 2023.
The proposed development aimed to provide:
- New homes including both flats and houses with private gardens
- Communal green space
- Car parking
- Trees
- Enhancement of the urban fabric surrounding the new leisure centre
Members discussed the report. It was suggested that flats would generate a transient population which would not encourage residents to lay down roots in Swanley and that the sight should provide more family sized homes. The Strategic Head of Property and Commercial explained that the unit mix and size was based on the local housing needs assessment, the strategic housing market assessment, and based on discussions with local estate agents and research undertaken.
In response to a question it was confirmed that the initial 41 units that had been suggested were no longer financially viable. The Strategic Head of Property and Commercial explained that the cost and valuation assumptions needed to be revised to reflect current market conditions and site conditions The lack of affordable housing was also questioned and in this was explained within the context of having to re-provide a new state of the art leisure centre
The Strategic Head of Property and Commercial explained that he would remain in consultation with Swanley Town Council and was happy to liaise with Members as required.
Public Sector Equality Duty
Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.
Resolved: That
(a) the Advisory Committee endorse the redevelopment of the site to deliver a new residential development;
(b) the Advisory Committees endorse the proposed recommendations to Cabinet and Council as set out below:
(I) Cabinet notes the viability issues associated with this site and endorses the development of a new residential scheme on this site which will deliver 81 new homes;
(II) Cabinet recommends to Council the provision of £20,189,137 in the Capital Programme to deliver the scheme;
(III) subject to Council’s approval of the capital provision of £20,189,137 in the Capital Programme, Cabinet delegates authority to the Strategic Head of Property and Commercial and the Chief Officer Finance and Trading, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance & Investments to undertake further detailed design and feasibility work and to proceed with the scheme subject to final scheme viability; and
(IV) Cabinet delegates authority to the Strategic Head of Property and Commercial in consultation with the Chief Officer Finance and Trading and the Head of Legal Services to submit a planning application and to enter into any necessary contracts to facilitate the development and construction of the proposed scheme in accordance with the Council’s Contracts Procedure Rules and for the disposal of the residential units to be developed.
(V) that it be recommended to Council that the provision of £20,189,137 in the Capital Programme to deliver the scheme which is to be funded as noted in the Financial Implications be approved.
Supporting documents:
- 14 White Oak Residential Report, item 49. PDF 244 KB
- 14 Appendix A - Appraisal Plans and Layouts, item 49. PDF 453 KB
- Restricted enclosure View the reasons why document 49./3 is restricted
- 14 Appendix C - Outline Risk Assessment, item 49. PDF 166 KB
- 14 - Appendix D - Sustainability Checklist, item 49. PDF 285 KB