Agenda item

Community Lottery


The Portfolio Holder for People & Places presented the report which outlined proposals to introduce a Community Lottery. A society lottery of the type proposed in the report had been successfully implemented by many other local authorities. The Community Lottery would focus on delivering proceeds locally, maximising benefits to the community, minimising the costs so the scheme was largely self- financing, delivering winners locally. 


The Community & Projects & Funding Officer advised that a partnership with an existing deliverer of lotteries in the market place known as an External Lottery Manager was included in the proposal. Their responsibilities included managing the prize fund and associated insurance, providing marketing materials and conducting the draw. The Council would not handle any transactions other than receiving its share of the income on a monthly basis.

The Portfolio Holder advised that People & Places Advisory Committee had also considered the report and resolved in support.  She indicated the engagement with the District’s Voluntary Sector Forum would help ensure the project’s success. She set out that charities and the Voluntary Sector Forum were in favour of the project.

The Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Officer - People & Places answered questions from Cabinet on this item about apportionment of funds and set out that Sevenoaks District based charities, clubs, associations and societies are all groups that would be eligible to register as a local good cause with the Community Lottery provided they meet the terms and conditions.

Cabinet discussed the item and expressed concerns about the adoption of the proposal.  Members expressed a wish to consider grant levels and to offer assistance to the charitable sector in setting up their own individual small society lotteries as an alternative. 

Cabinet agreed that charities were under financial pressure and that it would be valuable to look at a grant funding scheme offering assistance to charities as part of a SCIA through the budget process, with a view to directing such support directly at those organisations most in need. 

The Chief Executive set out that Officers would be glad to investigate a SCIA for the growth item proposed by the Cabinet.  He reminded Members that the original proposal for a Community Lottery was a Member proposal and did not originate with Officers.

The Chairman indicated that he considered that it would be more empowering to enable worthy charities to run their own individual small society lotteries.  He stated that he considered that there was an absolute immediate need for funding following the Covid-19 pandemic.

Public Sector Equality Duty
Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.

Resolved:  That

a)    The Portfolio Holder for Finance & Investment and the Portfolio Holder for People & Places work with the Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Officer - Finance & Trading and Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Officer - People & Places on a SCIA to set up a grant fund, time limited for Covid-19 recovery, with eligibility criteria along the same lines as set out in the report;


b)    the Council investigate means to advise charities of the means to set up their own individual small society Lotteries.


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