Report to Licensing Sub-Committee - Application for a review of a Premises Licence in respect of the vault, 1 The Row, New Ash Green, Longfield, Kent, DA3 8JB
(Ash and New Ash Green)
Supporting documents:
- 03 Review Applation VAULT, item 3. PDF 84 KB
- 03 app A redacted, item 3. PDF 432 KB
- 03 B redacted, item 3. PDF 1 MB
- 03 C, item 3. PDF 109 KB
- 03 D redacted, item 3. PDF 217 KB
- 03 E, item 3. PDF 105 KB
- 03 F_Redacted, item 3. PDF 142 KB
- 03 G_Redacted, item 3. PDF 1 MB
- 03 H_Redacted, item 3. PDF 218 KB
- 03 I redacted_Redacted, item 3. PDF 109 KB
- 03 J redacted, item 3. PDF 126 KB
- 03 K, item 3. PDF 108 KB
- 03 L, item 3. PDF 85 KB
- 03 M, item 3. PDF 44 KB
- 03 N, item 3. PDF 323 KB