Agenda item

Allocation of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Contributions to Local and Strategic Infrastructure Projects


Members considered the recommendations from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Spending Board.  The Chairman of the Board addressed Cabinet on this item and explained the decisions made in respect of each application.


Resolved:  That


a)    subject to planning permission in accordance with the terms of the CIL application being granted within 5 years of the decision date, the £900,000.00 funding applied for, as set out in the report for the scheme “Re-provision of White Oak Leisure Centre” be approved on the following grounds


·       strong economic, social and environmental benefits to the community;

·       the project was identified in an adopted strategy/plan;

·       sufficient evidence had been submitted to demonstrate a strong link between new development and the scheme; and

·       there was strong community support of the scheme


if planning permission was not granted in accordance with the above then funding applied for would be refused.


b)   subject to planning permission in accordance with the terms of the CIL application being granted within 5 years of the decision date, the £252,400.00 funding applied for, as set out in the report for the scheme “Bradbourne Lakes Landscape Improvement” be approved on the following grounds


·       strong social and environmental benefits to the community; and

·       strong community support of the scheme


if planning permission was not granted in accordance with the above then funding applied for would be refused.


c)    the £1,000,000.00 funding applied for, as set out in the report for scheme “Swanley Transport Interventions” be refused on the following grounds


·       the scheme had not clearly demonstrated whether it had maximised funding sources / CIL funding from the relevant town or parish council(s); and

·       insufficient evidence of community benefit.


d)   i) subject to a legal agreement being signed within 6 months of the decision date, the £49,975.00 funding applied for, as set out in the report for scheme “Westerham Parking Project” be approved on the following grounds


·       strong economic, social and environmental benefits to the community;

·       the project was identified in an adopted plan; and

·       there was strong community support of the scheme.


ii) if the legal agreement was not signed in accordance with the above then funding applied for would be refused for failure to ensure the effective management of CIL funds.



e)   the £114,646.00 funding applied for, as set out in the report for scheme “Extension to Kemsing Surgery” be refused on the following grounds


·       funding for the scheme was not approved on the basis that other proposed schemes have been given greater priority;

·       the requirement for working in partnership had not been clearly demonstrated in the application;

·       the scheme had not clearly demonstrated whether it had maximised funding sources / CIL funding from the relevant town or parish council(s).


f)    subject to a legal agreement being signed within 6 months of the decision date and a clause added ringfencing the money to be returned if the pilot failed within 5 years, the £71,961.98 funding applied for, as set out in the report for scheme “go 2 – A Demand Responsive Bus Service” be approved on the following grounds


  strong economic, social and environmental benefits to the community;

  the project was identified in an adopted strategy/plan; and

  there was strong community support of the scheme



if the legal agreement was not signed in accordance with the above then funding applied for would be refused for failure to ensure the effective management of CIL funds.



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