Agenda item

Matters considered by other standing committees


(a)          Review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations


Councillor Eyre moved and Councillor Pearsall seconded the recommendation from Governance Committee. The report sought approval for minor adjustments to a Polling District and polling places.


Councillor Eyre spoke to the motion stating that all district councils were required by law to complete a review of polling districts and places every 5 years. Supporting responses were received from Acting Returning Officers for the Parliamentary constituencies representing Sevenoaks District Council and 11 further consultation responses were received. As a result of feedback and submissions some changes to polling places were recommended and agreed at the Governance Committee.


Some Members disagreed with the recommendation as some residents were disadvantaged and had to travel a long way to the polling station. Members discussed that this could happen where ever the polling station was located and there was the opportunity to elect for a postal vote.


Resolved: That


a)     the minor adjustment to the boundary between poling districts BZ (Lower St. John’s) and CC (Upper St. John’s), be agreed


b)     all other polling district boundaries be retained and unchanged; and


c)     the proposed polling places as set out in Appendix C to the report be agreed. 


(b)         Report of the ‘Chairman Role’ Working Group


Councillor Eyre moved and Councillor Pearsall seconded the recommendation from Governance Committee. The report sought for the adoption of the working group recommendations.


Resolved: That


a)    the report of the Members working group and its recommendations be noted;


b)   the Member working group recommendations be adopted subject to any necessary growth item being approved through the formal budget-making progress; and


c)    any recommendations for growth be referred to the next meeting of the Finance Advisory Committee for consideration.



(c)          To approve the minutes of the Appointments Committee held on 7 November 2019


Councillor Fleming moved and Cllr Dyball seconded that the Minutes of the Appointments Committee held on 7 November 2019, be agreed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Resolved: That the Minutes of the Appointments Committee held on 7 November 2019, be agreed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.




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