Agenda item

Budget 2020/21: Service Dashboards and service Change Impact Assessments (SCIAs)


The Chief Officer Finance & Trading presented a report which explained that this was the second stage of the budget process and ensured that all Members of the Advisory Committees had a role to play in the governance of the Council and the budget decision making process. He explained that since the current financial strategy was introduced in 2011/12, over £7 million of savings had been agreed.


To continue to have a balanced budget position and remain financially self-sufficient, a net savings requirement of £93,000 for 2020/21 was included in the budget. The Chief Officer Finance & Trading also advised Members that other pressures may come out later in the budget process such as when the Local Government Finance Settlement was announced in December. These may result in additional savings being required.


No growth and savings proposals were included in the report for this Committee but Members were asked for their suggestions, in order to achieve the £93,000 net saving required for the next year, which would be considered by Cabinet, before finalising the budget for 2020/21.


Members gave their individual ideas for growth and savings items and considered whether there was anything they wanted taken forward as potential growth or savings suggestions. A number of growth and savings items were suggested and discussed, including the suggestion that the Housing Policy Manager should investigate the possibility of charging for the provision of the housing register.


Public Sector Equality Duty

Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.


Resolved:  That it be recommended to Cabinet that


a)     no growth and savings proposals had been identified in Appendix D to the report; and


b)     the following options be put forward to Cabinet

Growth (increased expenditure or reduced income)


·       An additional HERO officer


Savings (reduced expenditure or increased income)


·       Provision of our own energy supply – buying in bulk from suppliers – passing a percentage of the savings onto residents

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