Agenda item

Sevenoaks Cycle Strategy


The Board considered the final version of the Sevenoaks District Cycling Strategy.  District cycling strategies are vital to the delivery of a well planned local cycle network and are useful tools when seeking to secure funding.


The Kent County Council Development Planner tabled the following addition to the recommendation:


“Members views are sought in terms of the appropriate status of the document.


The Board were informed that implementation of the Sevenoaks District Cycling Strategy was dependent on securing funding for the projects.  A Member stressed the need to ensure that the projects were implemented quickly.


A visiting Member expressed concern surrounding conflict between pedestrians and cyclists along Brittains Lave as the lane was very narrow.  The Board were told that there were national guidelines regarding the width of paths that were utilised and these guidelines would be adhered to.


Another visiting Member corrected an error on page 66 of the Strategy and reported that the land was owned by Sevenoaks District Council and not Edenbridge Town Council as stated in the report.


The Sevenoaks Joint Transportation Board expressed their thanks and appreciation to the Vice-Chairman for the extensive work he had undertaken on developing the Strategy.


A Member of the public submitted the following three questions:


1) The final draft of the Strategy only "aims to enable more people to cycle more safely" rather than aiming to "increase the number of people choosing to cycle" as originally proposed....


Response: The aim in the final draft is to "enable more people to cycle more safely so as to encourage a shift towards more sustainable transport choices and healthy leisure activities". The wording of the aim was changed to reflect the broader aims of the strategy and to more clearly state the end objective.


2) proposal made for the provision for cyclists through Sevenoaks Town Centre noted as "Identified need".  Please will the JTB identify what long term solutions they would propose to fulfil this 'identified need' ........


Response: Unfortunately, at this moment in time there is no obvious practical solution which integrates cyclists with other road users in the town centre.  However, while a solution is not currently available, it does not mean that we cannot review the situation in future revisions of the document.  As stated in the strategy KCC and SDC will seek to review the document in five years and this review will include "exploring opportunities to meet the identified needs".


3) what is the likelihood of a coherent and comprehensive network


Response: It is recognised that the route suggestions are not exhaustive but represent a first phase.  While ideally it would be possible to say when a comprehensive network would be created, in reality this is dependent on various factors including for example the LDF coming forward.  The adoption of a phased approach with reviews is intended to account for this. 


A representative from the Sevenoaks Cycle Forum addressed the Board and highlighted that proper enforcement of speed would be the single biggest benefit to cyclists in the District. The Board were also informed that due to the width of the road and the proximity of cars to each others it was not safe to cycle down Rye Lane.  The Chairman asked Officers to review the recommendation.



            Resolved: That


1)     The Sevenoaks District Cycle Strategy be supported and adopted.

Supporting documents:


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