Agenda item

Completion of works at Hever Road Gypsy and Traveller Site - Verbal Update.


The Head of Housing and Communications reported that a successful bid of £1.308m had been received to upgrade, modernise ad extend the Hever Road site.  An additional 4 pitches had been provided bringing the number of pitches up to sixteen. The extensive works had included provision of an entirely new electrical supply to the site which involved extensive cable laying within Hever Road site itself and construction of a new electrical sub station.   Within the site a completely new electrical distribution system was put in to provide every Pitch with an independent supply.  Each resident was now a customer of an energy company, resulting in the Council only paying for communal electricity. In the past the Council had funded this and sold electricity cards but there had always been a deficit to be met.  A new water supply had been installed to each Pitch making all residents responsible for water charges, and new foul and surface water drainage systems had been constructed.

It was during excavations for the new drains that significant amounts of ordnance had been discovered, believed to have been buried after the war around 1944 when they were disbanded. Once uncovered it became the Council’s responsibility to undertake all remedial action and a company called BACTEC International were engaged. As a result of their investigations a total 383 ordnance related items was recovered with 40 being destroyed in controlled explosions.  The related cost for this was £198,000, which was met by some external funding and existing budgets.  The Head of Housing and Communications was however going to explore other avenues to ascertain whether or not external funding could help with the costs.

The Head of Housing and Communications reported that each of the pitches had been provided with a new amenity block,  which gave each resident a kitchen and bathroom. If this had not happened the cost of the amenity blocks would have been the Council’s responsibility.  A new community unit had been provided to act as a meeting point for the residents and base for the site warden.  A significant number of pitches had been resurfaced to eliminate trip hazards and improve surface water removal.  The access road had been resurfaced, traffic calming measures installed with new street lighting, new fencing and other measures to improve the appearance of the site. Residents were generally happy with the changes and the works would reduce future maintenance costs.  The rent charged was within the housing benefit levels.  Two of the new pitches were already let and one was still vacant.  Members asked that this be communicated effectively to planning.  Members were concerned that the MOD had not taken responsibility for clearing the ordnance related items.  The Head of Housing and Communications that she would obtain full information from the Property Services Manager and come back to Members with this information.

            ACTION 5:     The Head of Housing and Communications to speak to Property       Services manager for background information on why the MOD were not          used to clear the ordnance related items from the site.

The Chairman on behalf of the Committee congratulated the Head of Housing and Communications for securing the impressive funding sum.



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