Agenda item

Under -Occupation of Social Housing - Verbal Update from Working Group.


Cllr. Miss. Stack, with permission of the Chairman, spoke on behalf of the Chairman of the Members’ Under-Occupation of Social Housing Working Group as the Chairman was feeling unwell.  She reported that the Working Group had been looking at many issues including numbers on the Sevenoaks District Housing Register and statistics received from Moat, the potential impact of the new benefit system and the current gaps in rent and what housing benefit would pay.  She reported that there was a downsizing scheme called ‘small is beautiful’ which was a West Kent Hosing Association Scheme; that 1400 people still had the ‘right to buy’; and that there was a need for more 1-2 bed properties to free up larger properties.  More specialist housing for older people was also needed.  She reported that there had been some debate with regards to 1 bed properties.  It was felt that many people had a 1 bed property need, but preferred a 2 bed property so that they could have, for example, their grandchildren or carers to stay and this impacted on their choice to move.

The Head of Housing and Communications explained that the current Allocations Policy was based on a points system but the new one may move to a banding system in line with other Kent authorities.  The Allocation Policy would be reviewed and revised after consultation in the summer 2012.  It was explained that there was a possibility of utilising a few privately rented 3-4 bed properties for single people to share.  Particularity as those under 35 would be restricted to a single room allowance.  These properties would need to be managed by a housing association and negotiation was under way.  It had also become apparent to the Working Group that there needed to be more synergy between planning and housing and a need for lateral thinking such as extensions and using financial contributions in lieu of affordable housing to update or improve properties.  Cllr. Miss. Stack advised that at the last Social Affairs Select Committee two Kent County Council representatives had talked of the need for more forward thinking specialist accommodation and had highlighted examples such as Emily Court in Wilmington.

The Head of Housing and Communications reported that the Working Group had discussed and made a list of potential representatives for the Panel and had produced possible questions.  Currently on the list were the Planning Policy Manager, West Kent Housing Association, Moat Housing, Places for people, the Housing Policy Officer and the Empty Homes/Under-Occupation  Officer.  In addition, Members asked for a representative from Kent County Council’s (KCC) Older Person’s Team.  She would email this to all Members for further suggestions to reach her by Friday 2 March 2012.  This would allow time to forward the questions to the Panel Members.  The Housing Policy Manager would collate all the information from the April meeting and produce a draft strategy and action plan for the meeting in June.

            ACTION 4:     The Head of Housing and Communications to send an email            with suggested panel members and questions to all Committee members      along with the statistics from West Kent and Moat Housing and a case study.



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