Agenda item

Universal Credits - Stages 1 and 2

(Stage 1 – Scoping and identifying key lines of inquiry and Stage 2 – Familiarisation with subject area.)


The Chairman advised Members that this scrutiny would be of great significance to the Council. Officers had many concerns and the review would be of great assistance to them.  The Head of Finance and Human Resources introduced the Benefits Manager to the Committee, who reported that Universal Credits were a key element of the Welfare Reform Bill affecting 19 million individual claims and an estimated eight million households.  A significant change would be that it was based on households rather than individuals and money would be paid to claimants directly, in arrears, to mirror how most wages were paid.  There would be significant impacts on social and private landlords; homelessness; increased pressures on housing stock; a likelihood of increased debt and increased numbers seeking assistance from the Council especially as not everyone has access to online facilities.  There was also the impact on staff generally, recruitment and retention issues and potential cost of agency staff.  The Head of Finance and Human Resources advised that some areas where the scrutiny role would assist were communication with other organisations such as landlords, Citizen’s Advice Bureau etc;  looking at how to retain staff; preparation work for transferring services and phasing implementation; how to retain customer service and where it was considered not  cost effective to retrain new staff the cost implications of agency staff.  It would also be useful to look at whether there was any scope to lobby Government further, and the possibility of feeding views back to the Department of Work and Pensions whilst it was still in its implementation phase.

The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Value for Money, reported that he had written to Lord Freud, Minister for Welfare Reform asking for an audience but had not heard back.  However Lord Freud had visited the Council Offices and met with the Leader, Chief Executive and the Benefits and Revenues Managers and had asked to be taken through a typical case.  He believed that the Minister was visiting a number of councils.  In response to Members’ questions, the Benefits Manager replied that they had been told that the necessary I.T. infrastructure would be ready in time and that at the moment no decision had been made as to whether social funds would be administered here or by Kent County Council (KCC). 

The Chairman referred to the workload involved for any Member of the Working Group advising that they would need to be able to meet at least once a month. A draft timetable had been drawn up with Officer’s availability in mind which would be circulated to members of the Working Group to discuss.  Councillors Ball, Firth, Hogarth, Horwood and Raikes expressed interest in being on the Working Group.

            ACTION 3:     The Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Corporate             Resources agree a draft meeting timetable with Working Group Members.

A Member advised that she had a meeting with the Benefits Manager to talk through a typical case which other Members, especially those on the new Working Group, were welcome to attend.

Resolved:       That:

(a)               the contents of the report and proposals for possible lines of enquiry for the in-depth scrutiny, be noted; and

(b)               a Members’ Universal Credit Working Group be formed for the remainder of the municipal year, consisting of Cllrs. Ball, Firth, Hogarth, Horwood and Raikes.

The Chairman on behalf of the Committee expressed his thanks to Tricia Marshall, Head of Finance and Human Resources, for all her hard work over the years.



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