Agenda item

Matters referred from Scrutiny Committee and CIL Spending Board


a)           In-Depth Scrutiny Working Group – Staffing


The Chairman presented the report from the Scrutiny Committee.  At its October 2017 meeting the Scrutiny Committee resolved to set up a working group to look in more depth at matters relating to staffing within the Council.  The group had a particular focus on recruitment, retention, and flexible working. While sickness has been covered during meetings, this is a substantial topic and was not the focus of the enquiry (for data on this topic, see Appendix E - sickness absence as of February 2018 and data in relation to occupational health).


Resolved:  That


a)     the report from the Scrutiny Committee and the recommendations as set out below, be noted:


i)      Wider use of flexible working arrangements, particularly the 10-2 market/ job shares where those coming back to the work place can be extremely well qualified but do not wish to commute to London, and the ability to work from home;


ii)    Increasing the period where staff have to pay back the costs of training from 2 to 3 years, including where they move to another local authority as opposed to the private sector, as currently occurs;  It is suggested for consideration that this is on a tapered basis.  If an officer leaves within 1 year of completing training, the full training cost is repayable.  The amount then tapers as a reducing amount over years 2 and 3.


iii)   Widen the radius for the relocation allowance (Currently 10 miles from District boundary);


iv)   Review of structures, roles and responsibilities, and use of market related payments (reviewable every two years) - where finances permit;


v)     Improvement of the kitchen areas for staff; 


vi)   Introduce a lower rate for car loans (Currently 2.55%);


vii)  Extend the period before which MRPs are reviewed;


viii)             Create a recruitment microsite for the Council to better advertise vacant posts and consider different places to advertise such as local press and social media (Linkedin, mumsnet etc.)


ix)   Review structures as part of the current Customer Redesign initiative, introducing career grades to support career development and succession planning;


x)     Encourage greater use of apprentices, funded through the apprenticeship levy.


xi)   Consider a referral payment to staff who introduce an individual who then successfully takes up a position within the council.  To be paid once new member of staff has successfully completed probation or 6 months of employment without issue; and


b)     Officers to implement the recommendations, as appropriate, as operational decisions, and investigate and report back on the recommendations which were not.



b)           Allocation of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Contributions to Local and Strategic Infrastructure Projects


Members considered the recommendations from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Spending Board.  The Chairman of that Board indicated that he believed the meeting had gone well and that various matters of procedure and governance would be considered at a later date.


Resolved:  That


A)   the £34,000.00 funding applied for, for the scheme “Edenbridge Public Toilets” be approved on the following grounds


i.   Strong economic, social and environmental benefits to the community


ii.  Partnership working with other organisations;


iii.There is sufficient certainty that the scheme will be delivered


iv.  Need for the scheme is identified in an adopted plan or strategy


v.   Sufficient evidence has been submitted to demonstrate a strong link between new development and the scheme.



B) a)subject to a legal agreement being signed within 6 months of the decision date, the £2,500.00 funding applied for, as set out in the report, for scheme “Otford Medical Practice Health Pod” be approved on the following grounds


i.      strong economic, social and environmental benefits to the community


ii.  strong local support for the project

ii.    the CIL contribution will be matched by funding from other sources


iv.  that there is sufficient certainty that the scheme will be delivered


b)  if the legal agreement was not signed in accordance with (a) above then funding applied for would be refused for failure to ensure the effective management of CIL funds.


C)     the £10,000.00, applied for, as set out in the report, for scheme “Swanley Park Disabled Play Equipment” be approved on the following grounds:


i.      strong economic, social and environmental benefits to the community


ii.    strong local support for the scheme


iii.the CIL contribution will be matched by funding from other sources


D) a)subject to a legal agreement being signed within 6 months of the decision date and planning permission in accordance with the terms of the CIL application being granted within 5 years of the decision date, the £600,000.00 applied for, as set out in the report, for scheme “Edenbridge Integrated Health and Wellbeing Centre” be approved on the following grounds


i.      strong economic, social and environmental benefits to the community


ii.    strong local support for the scheme


iii.   partnership working with other organisations


iv.   The CIL Contribution will be matched funded from other sources


v.     The scheme forms part of a planned strategy to address the need for infrastructure


b)if the legal agreement was not signed in accordance with (a) above then funding applied for would be refused for failure to ensure the effective management of CIL funds.


E)   the £1,200,000.00 funding applied for, as set out in the report, for scheme “Bat & Ball Community Centre” be approved on the following grounds:


i.   strong economic, social and environmental benefits to the community;


iii.   strong local support for the project


iv.   the scheme forms part of a planned strategy to address the need for infrastructure


v.     there is sufficient certainty that the scheme will be delivered.



F) a) subject to a legal agreement being signed within 6 months of the decision date and secured funding from other sources the £185,000 applied for, as set out in the report, for scheme “New Village Hall/Sports Pavilion Project” be approved on the following grounds:


i.   strong economic, social and environmental benefits to the community


ii.  the CIL contribution will be match funded from other sources


iii.there is sufficient certainty that the scheme will be delivered


b) if the legal agreement was not signed in accordance with (a) above or if the remaining funding was not secured from other sources then funding applied for would be refused for failure to ensure the effective management of CIL funds.

Supporting documents:


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