Agenda item

Allocation of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Contributions to Local and Strategic Infrastructure Projects


The Planning Officer (Policy) presented a report which advised Members that the first round of bids had been open for 5 weeks from 21 October 2018 to 29 November 2018. Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) contributions had been collected on qualifying developments and the council had a mandatory responsibility to pass a portion of CIL contributions to Town and Parish Councils where development had occurred within a 6-month period.

Cabinet had agreed that all Parish and Town Councils in the District would receive 25% of CIL contributions collected and would be calculated against the top CIL charging rate, resulting in discretionary ‘top up’ payments made by the District Council. The Board were advised that following the last Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Spending Board meeting, Cabinet had agreed to amend the recommendations to include a legal agreement to allow funds to be returned if not spent or if not spent correctly. This would not apply to Town and Parish Council applications as they were covered under a separate agreement. The Council could recover up to 5% of CIL receipts for administrative costs.


The process for assessing applications was a two-stage process as set out in the council’s Constitution and all bids had been judged on merit.

Application A – Edenbridge Public Toilets


The application sought £34,000.00 to fund a major refurbishment of the public toilets in the town centre at the Market Yard car park, Edenbridge, in the central part of the High Street. They would be available for use by businesses, residents and visitors. The refurbishment would modernise the existing facilities, improve hygiene standards to increase usage as well as providing a hot water supply to the facility. This application had been submitted prior to the last CIL Spending Board however as planning permission had not been granted at that stage, did not get through to stage two.


The proposal demonstrated strong economic, social and environmental benefits to the community and partnership working with other organisations. There was considered to be sufficient certainty that the scheme would be delivered, with a need for the scheme being identified in an adopted plan or strategy. Sufficient evidence had been submitted to demonstrate a strong link between new development and the scheme.


The Board was addressed by the following speakers:


Company/person/body responsible for the bid

Cllr Scholey 

For the bid


Against the bid


Parish Representative


Local Member



Members asked questions of the speaker. The speaker explained that Edenbridge Town Council had obtained a number of quotes for the refurbishment of the toilets with the £70,000 being the best value for money. The different features, sizes and levels of disrepair of public toilets were said to account for differences in price. The proposal was for a male, female and disabled use toilet. The facilities’ running costs would not be significantly affected by the refurbishment as this was mainly cleaning costs. Efforts to reduce vandalism would be taken when refurbishing the toilets.

Application B – Health Pod for Otford Medical Practice


The proposal was for a “health pod” for the Otford Medical Practice and sought £2,500.00 for its installation. The pod would include a number of basic medical instruments for patients to measure certain health conditions, including blood pressure, weight, pulse, glucose levels etc. The information would be recorded against the patient’s medical record for a GP to view at any time. The Patient Participation Group who were responsible for the bid believed the “health pod” would reduce the amount of “face time” patients have with GPs for basic check-ups and free up capacity for appointments. It was advised that as the pod was an internal installation it would not require planning permission.


There had been considerable local support for the project which proposal demonstrated strong economic, social and environmental benefits to the community.There was believed to be sufficient certainty that the scheme would be delivered and a CIL contribution would be matched by funding from other sources.


Company/person/body responsible for the bid

Kenneth Cardinal

For the bid


Against the bid


Parish Representative


Local Member



Members asked questions of the speaker. A ‘health pod’ trial and demonstration was expected to take place on 7 January 2019 and, subject to funds, expected installation in the Otford Practice would take place in early 2019. Running costs for the first year were said to be included in the estimate of £8,500.00 for the project with subsequent years to be funded by the Otford Patient Participation Group through fundraising activities. Members were advised that the Otford Medical Practice would be willing to pay for maintenance costs of £650 per year if the patient group were unable to. Various additional features were expected to become available over time and the need for a health pod was expected to be a long term one. The health pod would not have a designated staff member however patients using the pod could seek assistance from reception staff. The facility was expected to be used mainly by patients waiting for their appointment. It was acknowledged that some patients would have difficulty using the health pod.

Application C – Swanley Park Disabled Play Equipment


Members were advised that the proposal requested £10,000.00 for the installation of play equipment for the disabled in Swanley Park to provide better facilities and opportunities for those with accessibility or disability issues. This would follow on from ongoing improvements to the park following an increase in visitor numbers. There was considerable local support for the proposal which demonstrated strong economic, social and environmental benefits to the community. The CIL contribution was expected to be matched by funding from other sources. Planning permission for this application would not be required as the proposal could be carried out under permitted development rights.                            


Company/person/body responsible for the bid

Stephen Nash

For the bid


Against the bid


Parish Representative


Local Member



Members asked questions of the speaker. The proposed equipment would consist of a wheelchair accessible swing and roundabout and ramps to be installed to provide access to the paddling pool. Although there was opportunity for integration between wheelchairs users and non-wheelchair users within the wider park it was stated that this would not be enhanced by the proposed equipment. It was noted that an access roundabout currently installed in the district did allow for a wheelchair user and non-wheelchair users to enjoy the facility at the same time.

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Application D - Edenbridge Integrated Health and Wellbeing Centre


Members were advised that the proposal was for the development of a Health and Wellbeing Centre in Edenbridge which sought £600,000.00. The scheme would relocate the Medical Practice and services at the Edenbridge War Memorial Hospital into a single integrated building to provide a number of medical and community health services. The creation of an integrated Health and Wellbeing Centre would also look to provide the associated infrastructure supporting the development of an energy centre, car parking and community areas. The application had been submitted prior to the last CIL Spending Board however was considered to have insufficient information to make it to the Board. If successful in gaining planning permission completion of the proposal was expected by the end of 2020.


The proposal had considerable local support and demonstrated strong economic, social and environmental benefits to the community and effective partnership working with other organisations. The CIL Contribution was expected to be match funded from other sources and the scheme formed part of a planned strategy to address the need for infrastructure.


The Board was addressed by the following speakers:


Company/person/body responsible for the bid

Carl Dodd

For the bid


Against the bid


Parish Representative


Local Member



Members asked questions of the Officers and the speakers.  Officers advised that granting this CIL application would not adversely affect the collection of CIL from any CIL liable development including future housing development in the area as it was a statutory requirement to pay it on any new development. Planning permission would be required before the funding was released to the Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust. Estimates on the total cost of the project were difficult to predict as the proposal was still in progress however the forecasted cost included the price of the land. The Trust responsible for the bid were not expecting any funding or input from site developers. It was advised that there was an existing need for this service in Edenbridge and the proposal was not dependant on new houses being built in the area.


Application E – Bat and Ball Community Centre


The proposed scheme requested £1,200,000.00 for alterations and improvements to the existing Sevenoaks (Bat & Ball) community centre. The planned works would include a front, side and link extension and the erection of a cycle and bin store. The project was expected to address an increased demand for high quality community facilities in the area. Additionally, significant growth was planned in the immediate area within the emerging Neighbourhood Development Plan and the Draft Local Plan. Planning permission for these works was approved by the Council on 8 November 2018.


The Board was addressed by the following speakers:


Company/person/body responsible for the bid

Linda Larter MBE

For the bid


Against the bid


Parish Representative

Richard Parry

Local Member



Members asked questions of the Officers and the speakers. Any funding gaps between Sevenoaks Town Council and a CIL grant were expected to be filled by a Public Works Loan Board loan. Members were advised that the Sevenoaks Town Council along with local businesses were having to use other venues within and outside of the District for events due to the lack of large halls in Sevenoaks. The proposed design would be 120 square meters larger than the existing centre. It was advised by the speakers that the proposal would include a transport integration policy and the development of cycle racks (including electric) and would be in close proximity to the train station and two bus routes. The development would also include improving access to the northern side of Bat and Ball train station. The currently facility would be required to close for 18 months during redevelopment and events and booking were would be relocated to other local venues. It was advised that this project would further improve the Bat and Ball area.


Application F – Fordcombe Village Community Hall


The application sought £185,000.00 to fund the redevelopment and repair of the existing village hall and provide additional sports facilities. An error within the report was highlighted and it was advised that planning permission for the project had been granted on 24 August 2018. The use of the hall by village groups and individuals had reportedly dwindled due to dire facilities and poor access for the less mobile/disabled. The amount of money required to refurbishment the Community hall would be greater than developing a new hall. The project would provide ‘a fit for purpose’ community and sports facility with no other community facility provided in the village. Planning permission for the application had been approved. There was sufficient certainty that the scheme would be delivered which would provide strong economic, social and environmental benefits to the community. The CIL contribution was expected to be match funded from other sources.


The Board was addressed by the following speakers:


Company/person/body responsible for the bid

Elaine Barnett

For the bid

Nick Byrne

Against the bid


Parish Representative


Local Member



Members asked questions of the Officers and the speakers. It was advised that the applicant had raised a third of the necessary funds through fundraising activities and they expected to also received some funding from Kent Sport grants. It was advised that confirmation of match funding would be required before the CIL grant was released to the applicant.





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