Agenda item

Local Plan - Results of The Draft Local Plan Consultation, agreement to publish the Regulation 19 proposed submission version and next steps


The Chairman of the Planning Advisory Committee advised that Members at that Committee had considered the report and agreed to the recommendations subject to an extension of the consultation period.


The Portfolio Holder for Planning presented a report which set out the key content of the Regulation 19 Proposed Submission version of the Plan and the process for taking it forward to examination. It was also proposed to consult on the Affordable Housing SPD; Development in the Green Belt SPD; and Design Review Panel SPD.  The Council had received four additional proposed Greenfield Green Belt sites in response to the Regulation 18 consultation process, and following assessment, those considered as being potentially suitable for inclusion would be consulted on alongside (but not part of) the Regulation 19 Proposed Submission version of the Local Plan. 


Public Sector Equality Duty


Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.


Resolved:  That

a)     the following be issued for public consultation (to close on Sunday 3 February 2019)

i)   the Regulation 19 Proposed Submission version of the Local Plan (as detailed within Appendices 5 and 6 to this report and subject to the removal of sites MX50 and HO70);

ii)  the additional strategic greenbelt greenfield sites received during Draft Local Plan consultation (as detailed within Appendix 4 to this report); and

iii) the associated Supplementary Planning Documents (as detailed within Appendix 7 to this report)

b)     delegated authority be granted to the Chief Planning Officer following consultation with the Planning Portfolio Holder to finalise any non-policy text changes required in the Draft Local Plan prior to Regulation 19 public consultation; and

c)     it be recommended that Full Council agrees to the submission of the Regulation 19 version of the Local Plan for examination.


Supporting documents:


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