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Improvement & Innovation Advisory Committee

This page lists the meetings for Improvement & Innovation Advisory Committee.


Information about Improvement & Innovation Advisory Committee

Terms of Reference


a)       The Advisory Committee shall undertake policy initiation and  development;


b)       The Advisory Committee shall consider such other matters as are referred to it by the Portfolio Holder;


c)       At the request of either Cabinet or the Audit Committee carry out specific research and development projects and to submit recommendations to Cabinet;


d)       The Advisory Committee shall develop and approve its annual work plan ensuring that there is efficient use of the Committee’s time; and


e)       The Cabinet Member be requested to provide a report to each meeting outlining their activities since the previous meeting and any decisions they intend to take in the following three months.


Within the areas of: Policy, Performance, Communications, Customer Service, Business Transformation, Special Projects, Digital, Workforce, Economic Development & Regeneration, Equalities, Members, Wellbeing.


The Cabinet Advisory Committee to ensure that there is mutual respect and cooperation with all other Committees within the Council.



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