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Cleaner & Greener Advisory Committee

This page lists the meetings for Cleaner & Greener Advisory Committee.


Information about Cleaner & Greener Advisory Committee

Terms of Reference


a)       The Advisory Committee shall undertake policy initiation and  development;


b)       The Advisory Committee shall consider such other matters as are referred to it by the Portfolio Holder;


c)       At the request of either Cabinet or the Audit Committee carry out specific research and development projects and to submit recommendations to Cabinet;


d)       The Advisory Committee shall develop and approve its annual work plan ensuring that there is efficient use of the Committee’s time; and


e)       The Cabinet Member be requested to provide a report to each meeting outlining their activities since the previous meeting and any decisions they intend to take in the following three months.


Within the areas of: Direct Services, Street Cleansing, Waste & Recycling, CCTV, Environmental Health, Green Spaces, Parking, Pest Control, Licensing, Facilities Management, Emergency Planning, Air Quality, Delivery Partner Assurance, Wellbeing.


The Cabinet Advisory Committee to ensure that there is mutual respect and cooperation with all other Committees within the Council.





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