Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 01732227247  Email:

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 72 KB

To agree the minutes of the meeting of the Advisory Committee held on 18 June 2024 as a correct record.



Resolved: That the Minutes of the People and Places Advisory Committee meeting held on 18 June 2024 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.



Declarations of interest

Any interest not already registered.



There were none.


Actions from Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 34 KB


Members noted the action had been completed and the information had been circulated by email.


Update from Portfolio Holder pdf icon PDF 27 KB


The Portfolio Holder updated the Committee on the work that had been undertaken within her Portfolio including: the setting up of a Community Food Bank in Swanley, following funding being awarded, Silver Sunday events, working in partnership with local community groups for half term activities under the Homes for Ukraine Scheme, continued work on the Better Together programme, West Kent Domestic Abuse Conference, prevent training session and football sessions ran in Swanley and Edenbridge with further funding received as part of violence reduction.


Members were also advised that as part of tourism, officers attended a trade event held in Paris in September to help promote the Sevenoaks District and were engaging with the American trade delegation for Gatwick Airport to attract more visitors into the Sevenoaks District. Finally Members were advised that The Economic Development team was finalising a Skills Sector Review Report for the Sevenoaks District, which would be circulated for comment via the District’s Business Board and Visitor Economy Forum.


The Growth Gurus employability scheme for young people in Swanley, who were furthest away from entering the workplace and in need of interview skills, development, work experience and employment, was being delivered by The Education People at Meeting Point.



Referral from Cabinet or the Audit committee


There were none.


Millwall Community Trust Update pdf icon PDF 42 KB


The item was deferred to allow for Chief Executive, Sean Daly to attend.


West Kent Expo Report pdf icon PDF 63 KB

Additional documents:


The Economic Development Officer presented the report which provided an update and highlighted successes, key learning points and opportunities for future events, following the first West Kent Business Expo on 14 March 2024.  


The Committee was shown a video of the West Kent Expo and the Economic Development Officer advised that Smarter Society delivered the West Kent Expo, as part of their contract for West Kent Business support funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). The event highlighted the commitment to working across West Kent building on the long standing partnership and delivering business support investment and growth. The event was supported by a number of businesses and partners with over 40 exhibitors and 400 pre- registered attendees.


The Invest West Kent brand was launched and the website continued to be updated which was creating a platform to market West Kent to potential investors, as well as celebrating and supporting existing businesses.  The West Kent Team had agreed for the West Kent Business Expo to take place again next year on 12 March 2025, which would maximise the funding from the UKSPF. Three event sponsors had already been identified but more were hoped to come forward, as well as 20 exhibitors expressing interest in attending again.


Members considered and discussed the report. Members were advised that there were ongoing support programmes which provided mentoring, advice and support opportunities. The registration process was considered and following feedback this would be reviewed for the future Expo. Exhibitors details were shared with delegates but not delegates details and this would be considered for future events.


Resolved: That the report be noted, giving an overview of a successful inaugural West Kent Expo and demonstrated the potential for future similar events.



Economic Development Strategy Update pdf icon PDF 95 KB

Additional documents:


The Economic Development Officer presented the report which provided an annual review of the Economic Development Strategy (EDS). Good progress was made within the first two years of the Economic Development Strategy 2022-27. The strategy remained on track to achieve expected outcomes before the end of the strategy’s period. The progress was highlighted in each of the focus areas. Members’ were advised that the strategy’s delivery was dependent on the availability of external grant funding. The UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF) had been most beneficial in ensuring the Economic Development Strategy was delivered. It was also highlighted to Members that the funding was only available until March 2025 and it was unknown if future funding opportunities would be made available.


Members were advised that within the appendix to the report there was an overview of some of the key economic statistics used as a barometer to understand the wider context for delivering the schemes, and for support where needed. A sector skills study was being finalised which would look at the clusters within the economy, how this may change in the future and what skill requirements may be required. 


One highlight, as part of the EDS was the business support programme where a focus had been on supporting businesses and in town centres through promotional campaigns on the visitor economy, as well as the funding being used to distribute capital and revenue to Town and Parish Councils and a Town Centre Officer to support businesses. Appendix B detailed the progress to date on a broad range of activities taken place.


Members considered the report and in response to questions Members were advised that the Economic Development Team and West Kent Officer Group regularly considered the key challenges. There were also groups within the business and rural sector which allowed a focus on the issues that were affecting them, as well as testing ideas and providing feedback. In response to further questions digital connectivity was a challenge due to infrastructure requirements.


Resolved: That the progress of the delivery of the Economic Development Strategy be noted.



UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund pdf icon PDF 64 KB

Additional documents:


The Economic Development Officer presented the report which updated Members on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF) following the approval of the investment plan by Cabinet and Government in 2022. The plan outlined a complex programme of work with more than 15 individual projects which complemented the Economic Development Strategy. Currently it was expected that the projects identified would be delivered as expected.


Members were advised that all the projects were now live, and with the launch of the last priority area - people and skills in April 2024. As part of funds 18 projects were being run. This included nine grant schemes, two feasibility studies, a business support contract, employer employability projects, town and parish funding for public realm improvements, officer funding, tourism campaigns and a free training platform for businesses in the district with access to over 200 courses.


Members were advised that it was unknown whether there would be any future funding past March 2025 from Government. A programme office had been set up to monitor outcomes and outputs to ensure processes and procedures were followed as set out. Reports so far showed that targets would be delivered or exceeded. As part of the closure process programme evaluation would take place with numerical achievements and wider social impact of the delivery alongside lessons learned.


Members considered the report.


Resolved: That the progress of the delivery of the UKSPF and REPF programmes, be noted.



Work Plan pdf icon PDF 36 KB


The work plan was noted with the following:


10 December 2024


  • Update from DAVSS (Domestic Abuse Volunteer Support Service)
  • Leisure Operator Tender: Final Award
  • Leisure interim contract – 6-month update
  • SCIAs


4 March 2025

  • Sevenoaks District Community Safety Partnership 2025-26 Strategy & Action Plan
  • Police update (CI Elizabeth Jones, Kent Police)
  • Update from PAS (Protection Against Stalking)
  • Community Grant Scheme 2025/26
  • Sevenoaks District Sector Skills Analysis Report





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