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No. | Item |
To agree the Minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 8 June 2023, as a correct record.
Minutes: Resolved: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Joint Transportation Board held on 08 June 2023, be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
Declarations of interest Minutes: There were none. |
Matters Arising/Update (Including Actions from Previous Meetings) Minutes: There were none. |
Working Group Update [Active Travel Projects Including Proposed Townwide 20mph Scheme] PDF 107 KB Minutes: The Chairman introduced the report and informed the Board of a typographical error in paragraph 4.2 of the report that should read as, “the Town Council intended to launch the second consultation in October 2023 (and not 2024) via their standing newsletter with guidance from KCC.” The report updated the Board on the progress of the Sevenoaks Town 20mph Working Group. At its meeting on 8 June 2023, the Board agreed to set up a working group to develop a consultation plan for the Sevenoaks Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) which incorporated the Sevenoaks Town-wide 20mph scheme (Minute 7 – Update on Sevenoaks Town-wide 20mph Proposals). The report detailed the outcome of the first meeting of the group. The Working Group had agreed that a further Public Consultation would be undertaken, funded by Sevenoaks Town Council (STC), working in Partnership with Kent County Council (KCC) to fully understand the appetite for a proposed 20mph scheme in Sevenoaks Town Centre. KCC would work with STC to draft and agree on the consultation questions and would consult with the Working Group to finalise the questions.
Public Sector Equality Duty Resolved: That the report be noted.
Sevenoaks Town East to West Walking, Wheeling and Cycling Route - Consultation Report PDF 156 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered a report that presented the results of the public consultation that took place from 1 June to 14 July 2023 regarding the Sevenoaks Town East to West Walking, Wheeling and Cycling Route. Sevenoaks District Council (SDC) and Kent County Council (KCC) jointly consulted on proposals for a proposed walking, wheeling and cycling route connecting the East and West of Sevenoaks Town. The project had been led by Officers and a Member steering group, which would continue to meet to address concerns arising from the consultation. The results showed a positive response from residents and stakeholders. The Board was asked to recommend to KCC to proceed with the construction of the scheme. Members expressed support for the scheme and discussed the report focusing on areas of safety concern in the proposals. Some concern was raised over safety on the Amhurst, Riverhead, Parkland path. Officers confirmed that SDC was working with Riverhead Parish Council to mitigate concerns raised in the consultation. In response to further questions, it was confirmed that monitoring cameras along the route would be looking at usage of the route and would not be used for enforcement.
Public Sector Equality Duty
Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPS) Update PDF 4 MB Additional documents: Minutes: The Principal Infrastructure Delivery Officer (SDC) presented the report which updated the Board on the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs) for Sevenoaks and Swanley, supported by the Council’s Movement Strategy (2022) and emerging Local Plan (Plan 2040). KCC and SDC had been successful in securing external funding from Active Travel England to progress three schemes: Sevenoaks Town East to West, Sevenoaks to Otford and Sevenoaks to Seal to Otford. The Officer then updated the Board on the expected timetable for the design and delivery of the routes and welcomed any feedback that Members had on the schemes. Members discussed the update giving consideration to the importance of linking up the schemes. Public Sector Equality Duty Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty. Resolved: That the report be noted.
Off-Street Car Parks Electric Vehicle Charging Points Update PDF 53 KB Minutes: The Head of Direct Services gave a verbal update to the Board on the District’s off-street car parks electric vehicle (EV) charging points. He reported that he had been working with the SDC’s suppliers to produce site feasibility surveys for EV points at parking locations in the District. He informed Members that the Council was a part of the Connected Kerb project to bring 600 charging points to Kent and Medway. The Council hoped to install 12 new EV charging points in the coming year located at Blighs and South Park, Sevenoaks, Park Road and Station Road, Swanley and Quebec Avenue, Westerham. The chargers would be 50 kw rapid chargers and the Council was signing agreements and working out installation timescales. The Committee discussed the update and asked questions of clarification. Connected Kerb were very responsive and had an effective and quick turnaround for installation of EV chargers. Once EV chargers were installed, the Head of Direct Services reported that he was confident repairs would be undertaken swiftly when necessary. Public Sector Equality Duty Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty. Resolved: That the report be noted.
Applications For Disabled Persons (Blue Badge) Parking Bays PDF 71 KB Minutes: The Head of Direct Services presented the report which presented applications that had been received for proposed disabled persons (blue badge) parking bays (DPPBs) within the District. Applications had been received for disabled persons (blue badge) parking bays in Brambledown, Hartley, Foxglove Close, Edenbridge, Cherry Avenue and Springfield Avenue, Swanley.
Public Sector Equality Duty Resolved: That a) the applications received for disabled persons (blue badge) parking bays in Foxglove Close, Edenbridge, Cherry Avenue and Springfield Avenue, Swanley which were declined as they did not meet KCC’s assessment criteria and would proceed no further be noted; and b) the application received for a disabled persons (blue badge) parking bay in Brambledown, Hartley, that satisfied Kent County Council’s personal assessment criteria, but was declined because the parking area nearest the applicant’s home, in which the disabled persons parking bay would be sited, was not part of the public highway be noted.
Concrete Road Asset Information PDF 2 MB Minutes: The Pavement Asset Engineering Team Leader (KCC) presented the report that updated the Board on the concrete road asset in Kent and proposed innovation trials. The majority of concrete roads in Kent had been laid in the 1940s and 1950s. Many of the concrete roads were now reaching the end of their design life. There had also been increased traffic loads over recent decades and water ingress. Traditionally, KCC had used micro surface treatment which increased the skid resistance of concrete and improved the aesthetics. Members were informed that the micro surface treatment was now breaking down and causing degradation of the surface. To combat this, KCC were trailing various options for innovative surface treatments. The Chairman used her discretion and allowed a member of the public to address the Board. Members asked questions of clarification. The Pavement Asset Engineering Team Leader (KCC) advised that innovation trials would allow KCC to make the best use of funds and would be more cost-effective than replacing the concrete roads. In response to a query, he encouraged Members to write to the Sevenoaks Highways Manager (KCC) in regards to high–traffic residential routes that had been identified as in need of treatment. KCC was compiling a list of concrete sites based on priority and would manage the roads most in need of treatment first. Officers also confirmed that the designer of the Sevenoaks East/West walking, wheeling and cycling route scheme would be consulted on concrete road surfaces that would be in need of repair to deliver the scheme. Members discussed the update focusing on the aesthetics and quality of the concrete rehabilitation methods. Resolved: That the report be noted.
Volume of Streetworks 2023 PDF 177 KB Minutes: Members considered the report that updated the Board on the volume of street works and emergency roadworks in the District. Members were informed that the overall volume of Streetworks Permits had reduced in comparison to the same period the previous year. There had been a shift away from planned activities to immediate emergency and urgent works. This pattern was reflected in a trend experienced across Kent. Officers explained that teams held regular performance meetings with utility companies and this shift to immediate work was being highlighted. Works promoters were being challenged to recognise this shift in workflow and do all they could to return the highway to use without delay. Members discussed the report and asked questions of clarification on the disruption that emergency road works had to road users.Members and the public were encouraged to report concerns via KCC’s website for road works signs that had been leftover causing disruption. Streetworks Inspectors would be notified and would take action to fine utility companies for the disruption. Resolved: That the report be noted.
Highways Forward Works Programme 2022/23 & 2023/24 PDF 162 KB Minutes: The Board considered the report which updated Members on the identified schemes approved for construction in 2022/23 and 2023/24 with Officers giving any relevant updates on the schemes listed. Members asked questions of clarification on the approved schemes. Action 1: For the Sevenoaks Highways Manager to update Cllr. Streatfeild regarding drainage works at St John’s Hill. In response to questions on street lights, Members were advised to contact the Sevenoaks Highways Manager (KCC) if there were concerns on broken or faulty street lights to receive an update on each. Action 2: For the Sevenoaks Highways Manager (KCC) to respond to Members individually with an update on various broken or faulty street lights. Resolved: That the report be noted.
Minutes: Members considered the work plan and discussed a recent KCC Scrutiny Committee report on the future of Joint Transportation Boards in Kent. Action 3: For Officers to investigate how the Board could have their views heard on any KCC proposals regarding the future of Joint Transportation Boards in Kent. The following additions were made to the work plan: