Agenda and minutes

Venue: Conference Room, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks. View directions

Contact: Email: 

No. Item


Appointment of Chairman


Resolved:  That Cllr Hunter be appointed Chairman of the Advisory Committee for 2019/20.


(Cllr Hunter in the Chair)


Appointment of Vice Chairman


Resolved:  That Cllr Thornton be appointed Vice Chairman of the Advisory Committee for 2019/20.




Minutes pdf icon PDF 52 KB

To agree the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee held on 12 March 2019, as a correct record.


Resolved: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee held on 12 March 2019, be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

Any interest not already registered.


No additional declarations of interest were made.


Actions from Previous Meetings


There were none.


Update from Portfolio Holder


The Portfolio Holder welcomed everyone and advised that the Council had the busiest planning department in Kent.  Training was being arranged for Members, and was most likely take place prior to Development Control Committee meetings to help build up Members’ knowledge base.  Once the training programme was finalised it would be circulated to all Members.


She reported that a site not included in the Local Plan had submitted a planning application and she was aware that councillors had been invited to a promotional event by the organisers.


She advised that if anyone ever had any questions, not to hesitate to contact her or Officers.


Referrals from Cabinet or the Audit Committee


There were none.


Role of the Advisory Committee and Key Challenges pdf icon PDF 35 KB

Additional documents:


Members received a presentation and report advising them as to the role of the Committee and the areas of responsibility including the key issues and challenges facing those areas, and took the opportunity to ask questions of clarification especially with regard to the benefits and difference between Neighbourhood Plans and Village Design Statements.


A Member had recently used the Building Control department and was very complimentary of the service he had received.


Resolved:  That the report be noted.


Local Plan Update pdf icon PDF 125 KB


The Strategic Planning Manager presented the report which provided a summary of the examination process and content of the submitted Local Plan.  He responded to questions and advised Members of the hearing process, that a suitable venue was being looked at and that should there be any modifications made by the Planning Inspector then the Local Plan would go back out to a 6-8 week public consultation.


Action 1: That all Members be alerted / signposted to any key milestone  information concerning the examination process.



Resolved:  That the report be noted.


Adoption of updated Conservation Area Appraisals and extensions to Conservation Areas pdf icon PDF 119 KB

Additional documents:


The Conservation Officer presented the report which provided a summary of the outcome of the public consultation on draft conservation area appraisals, and demonstrated the interactive map feature.


The report set out changes that had been made as a result of the public consultation and recommended the adoption of the updated conservation area appraisals, including changes to the conservation areas’ boundaries and the making of a focussed Article 4 Direction to remove limited permitted development rights in the Shoreham Conservation Area and Swanley Village Conservation Area.


It was requested that with regard to branding that Sevenoaks District Council also appeared on the back of the documents once published.


Public Sector Equality Duty


Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.


Resolved:  That it be recommended to Cabinet that


a)     the updated conservation area appraisals for the Brasted High Street, Leigh, Seal, Shoreham, and Swanley Village Conservation Areas, be adopted;


b)     the proposed extensions be designated to each of the above conservation areas as set out below - 


i.      the inclusion of the following five properties into the Brasted High Street Conservation Area: Old Orchard, High Street; Tanners Mead; The Old Forge; and 1 & 2 Tannery Cottages, all on Rectory Lane as shown in the map at Appendix C to the report;


ii.     the inclusion of the following properties into the Leigh Conservation Area: 1–22 (consecutive) Garden Cottages; 21 and 22 Barnetts Road; 1 Powder Mill Lane; The Hawthorns; Oak Tree Cottage; The Beeches; The Cottage and Rosslyn, all on Powder Mill Lane; and the northern section of Crandalls (the street); Land to the south of Site of Former Public Conveniences; Land belonging to Chestnuts; The Green, Leigh as shown in the map at Appendix B to the report;

iii.   the inclusion of the following 11 properties into the Seal Conservation Area: The Seal Village Allotments on Childsbridge Lane; 1 – 5 (consecutive) Jubilee Rise; Northview; Hill House; Bella Vista on Jubilee Rise; and the Scout Hut of the Ninth Sevenoaks Scout Group; and Lulworth, both on School Lane as shown in the map at Appendix B to the report.

iv.   the extension of the Shoreham conservation area to include the following 14 properties: Nos. 40, 42, 44, 46–56 (even), 72–76 (even), 76a and 83 High Street and Field at the North End of High Street, known as Crown Field, into the conservation area as shown in the map at Appendix B to the report


v.     the inclusion of the following seven properties into the Swanley Village conservation area: Lucas Farmhouse, Land North of Lucas Farmhouse, Lucas Cottage and Pine Cottage, Cygnet and Land East of Cygnet, all on Beechenlea Lane, and the building attached to the listed Coach House at Old Place, Old Place Stables,Swanley Village Road as set out in the map at Appendix B to the report;

c)     Shoreham Mill Lane Conservation Area be cancelled and extensions designated to the Shoreham High Street and Church Street Conservation Area to include  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.


Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Spending Board - Review of Governance pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Additional documents:


The Planning Standards Manager, with input from the Senior Solicitor, presented the report on proposed amendments to current CIL governance arrangements which had been agreed by Members in July 2017 and were reviewed annually to ensure that they were still fit for purpose. The report set out some suggested changes following feedback received from Members and Officers and the new Chairman and Vice Chairman of the CIL Spending Board. 


Members were advised that should they have any CIL queries they could contact officers on the dedicated email address:


Further to the report and discussions with the Chairman of the CIL Spending Board, the Planning Standards Manager suggested a further amendment at paragraph 5.14, sixth bullet point of Appendix A being amended to read ‘Whether sufficient evidence has been provided to show that funding from other sources has been maximised and that this will normally include a majority of funding from other sources.’


The Chairman of the CIL Spending Board addressed the Committee in support of the changes, advising of the reasoning behind the proposals.  She hoped to hold a CIL Spending Board under the new Governance arrangements as soon as possible.  The previous Vice Chairman of the CIL Spending Board supported the amendments.


Officers were thanked for all their hard work in turning around the proposals in such a short period of time.


Public Sector Equality Duty


Members noted that consideration had been given to impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.


The Chairman moved the recommendations as set out in the report subject to the suggested amendment and it was


Resolved:  That the proposed changes to the CIL Spending Board governance arrangements as set out in the report, be agreed subject to Appendix A to the report, at paragraph 5.14, sixth bullet point being amended to read ‘Whether sufficient evidence has been provided to show that funding from other sources has been maximised and that this will normally include a majority of funding from other sources.’


Work Plan pdf icon PDF 26 KB


The work plan was noted with the addition of Local Plan Update and Building Partnership Review reports in October; and, a Statement of Community Involvement report in December 2019.





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